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#61 oufo


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 20 September 2013 - 07:57 PM

actually would be fun to be able to upgrade factories repair range. / Techicans .

#62 TheDwarfLard


    Praise the Sun!


Posted 20 September 2013 - 08:36 PM

Don't really think we need to make lumbering easier again (sort of like what is was in 6.20). People are still able to get 100k lumber a game no problem, which is obviously more than enough.

#63 oufo


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 20 September 2013 - 08:51 PM

dnt know about 6.20 .. i started playing on 6.40 XD 


i think i found a better way to do mills .. currently the best setup does 12-10-10-11 Support .. mine should be able to do 13-10-10-11 and in a minor  modification could be 12-10-10-12. will post the screenshots in the morning.

Edited by oufo, 20 September 2013 - 08:53 PM.

#64 TheDwarfLard


    Praise the Sun!


Posted 20 September 2013 - 10:10 PM

Well judging by the numbers Erdam gave for the assistance rate on repair buildings, I doubt that one extra (13 from 12) would make any difference at all. Seems like once you hit 6+ repairs, you need an additional 2 to make a one second difference. I wouldn't know for certain, but that possible, if it even counts it, half a second wouldn't really do much.

#65 erdam


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 21 September 2013 - 03:45 AM

Yes, from the point you have more than 8 factories for 1 mill, the real important thing becomes to save the more space you can, depending of course of the whole available space of your base ....

#66 oufo


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 21 September 2013 - 04:16 AM

Well .. the way i am building the factories in the 12-10-10-12 .. i am using only 25 factories like in the 12-10-10-11 .. just better arrangement .. i think the numbers he posted is approximate .. anyway if i make it 12-10-10-12 it means i got 1 sec shorter than his .. 

Actually it turns out that i am not sure which number of assists per Factory .. but it should be 12-12-12-12 .. check it plz and confirm the number 


Attached File  New factory setup.gif   130.08KB   7 downloads



anywayz i am using 25 factories just like u are.. so space not wasted.

Edited by oufo, 21 September 2013 - 04:22 AM.

#67 Waffle(est)


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 21 September 2013 - 05:58 AM

wow.. nice one :)


on first look at least i would say this is the most efficient* setup that has been posted to date!'

also its a 12-12-12-13 ! :D

#68 oufo


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 21 September 2013 - 06:41 AM

i dnt think it could get any better XD .. with current settings of repair factory range . it takes less time ( factories ) to build than the other one .. 12-10-10-11 .. max factories that can set is 14 per mill .. but when u do that ur mill wont be built. anyway .. hope u use it :) 

ok .. we gotta give the setups names .. its retarded to keep saying 12-10-10-11 setup and 12-12-12-13 setup.



... i am gonna call my setup the Zodiac :P 

#69 Anubis77777



Posted 01 March 2014 - 06:43 PM

I didn't look at all of the replies but when i play by my self on 6.2 because i haven't gotten the recent map yet and i cant get online often but when i play i try to get 2 lvl 6 mills asap because when you make them tiny you can upgrade them to a lvl 7 mill for only wood but the construction takes a while though but i upgrade them one at a time so i dont have a shortage of wood :)


On the subject about the factories what i do is put repair bots* in the inner ring and then factories in the outer ring because imao repair bots* are a bit faster after you upgrade them for free


* = (I mean the buildings,mechanics i think there called. Correct me if im wrong,)



When i can Ill post a pic showing what i am talking about 


Hope this helps


Edited by Anubis77777, 08 March 2014 - 03:06 PM.

#70 oufo


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 02 March 2014 - 10:27 AM

well ur wrong .. repairing rate is not equal to construction assist rate .. thus if u need to get the fastest building time .. u would need to use factories .. 

#71 Waffle(est)


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 02 March 2014 - 04:57 PM

  • i think we removed lvl6 to lvl7 upgrade since it was WAY too op
  • oufo is correct repair rate != powerbuild rate
  • some time i got round to tweaking the powerbuild rates tho.. so high rank repair units DO have a small advantage in that respect (altho quite minor) i postulate the best lumbering setup now could eb a hybrid of factories and repair units (but it needs quite a bit of lumber to actually reach full capacity so full factory setup is still the fastest one that u can have at the very beginning.

#72 quiet_silence


    Private 2

Posted 06 March 2014 - 05:48 AM

Could someone tell how much Lumber per second does Mill lvl 6 gives?

#73 Waffle(est)


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 06 March 2014 - 08:34 AM

        //! runtextmacro WOOD_RATE ("h00Q" ,"h051","1", "0.025")
        //! runtextmacro WOOD_RATE ("h00X" ,"h052","2", "0.05")
        //! runtextmacro WOOD_RATE ("h00Z" ,"h053","3", "0.1")
        //! runtextmacro WOOD_RATE ("h024" ,"h054","4", "0.25")
        //! runtextmacro WOOD_RATE ("h06Z" ,"h071","5", "1.1")
        //! runtextmacro WOOD_RATE ("h06W" ,"h07F","6", "2.6")
        //! runtextmacro WOOD_RATE ("h090" ,"h092","7", "11.0")
lumber mill 1: 0.025 wps

lumber mill 2: 0.05   wps

lumber mill 3: 0.10   wps

lumber mill 4: 0.25   wps


lumber mill 5:   1.1 wps

lumber mill 6:   2.6 wps

lumber mill 7: 11.0 wps

#74 Anubis77777



Posted 06 April 2014 - 09:33 AM

After you max out on the number of lvl 7 mills what is better for wps for space inside the base...ex like which is better a lot of lvl 5 mills that fill up the base or a bunch of lvl 6 mills that fill up the same amount of space

#75 Waffle(est)


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 06 April 2014 - 03:56 PM

i would have thought this is such trivial nobody would have to actually ask it... but ok..


a) when concerned about space i presume the last tier of the mills wil only be used in minimsed form.


B) a lvl5 mini mill takes up 48x48 space, same as a tower. and produces.. say 4*1.1*LVL4 wood per second.. (exact number is out there somewhere..)

c) a lvl6 mini mill takes up 96x96 space and produces 8x1.2*LVL4 wood per second..

since the LVL4 factor is same for both we can ignore that..
also 48x48 and 96x96 are rather cumbersome to work with.. so lets redefine the units  1u = 48 thus lvl5mini takes 1x1 = 1u^2 space and lvl6 mini takes 2x2= 4u^2 space.

the space efficacy of a lvl5 mini mill would be 4.4*C w/(s*u^2)
the space efficacy of a lvl6 mini mill would be 2.4*C w/(s*u^2)  (that is wood per second per unit square, where unit is our ad hoc measure of distance/length and C is an unspecified reference production rate (wps of lvl4 mill) )

now to anwser your question lvl5 miny mill is obviously a LOT more efficient.

lets answer another question tho.. by how much?
R = 4.4/2.4 = 1.83333..
that's right, a the lvl5 miny mill is more area-efficient by a factor of 1.8333(3)


Add to that that the fact that you can't power-build lvl6 mills (and you cant minify it till you have the final lvl6 mill..) and you will end up with more wood by a margin that leaves the 1.8(3) space-efficacy ratio well in to it's dust!

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