Easter egg rule?
EDIT: And also, imho, using of contest won or paid items is an unfair disadvantage for non donators and people who haven't won a contest.
Easter egg rule?
EDIT: And also, imho, using of contest won or paid items is an unfair disadvantage for non donators and people who haven't won a contest.
Don't worry! For this contest, it will all be taken into consideration.
So, people using advantages which the big majority doesn't have will rank lower.
Well....in my opinion I think it is a fair advantage to use donator items...In my case and others like me in their FS career. Early on I played a lot of FS and large significant amount solo off bnet on easy modes. I learned where ever I could...even before the azz youtube videos. So others that haven't learned all the nic nacs of the game think its unfair with non-donator items. And I still did pretty well without them, the donator items don't make the player, the player makes the player...however donator and contest items do help. To enjoy the fruits of the game...
Well....in my opinion I think it is a fair advantage to use donator items...In my case and others like me in their FS career. Early on I played a lot of FS and large significant amount solo off bnet on easy modes. I learned where ever I could...even before the azz youtube videos. So others that haven't learned all the nic nacs of the game think its unfair with non-donator items. And I still did pretty well without them, the donator items don't make the player, the player makes the player...however donator and contest items do help. To enjoy the fruits of the game...
Yeah because level 3 mills don't give you lumber advantage, and command centers and advanced repair factories don't save you a lot of time building it. And don't forget slujj hat and silverling which gives you 2k hp and +10 armor, custom builder with faster build rate, the custom alchemist with better mana regeneration + more mana pool than the usual ones, and the custom hero which has crit + cogs of time and transmute (although not applicable into this contest, its still worth mentioning). They're totally not an advantage. /sarcasm/
Kidding aside, I have no negative feelings about the donors/donation rewards etc. I myself would donate IF I COULD. You wouldn't donate to the game just for the heck of it. You would donate because you like the game or simply because it gives you an advantage that a non-donating player can have. A player may make what the player is, but if you put two soldiers in the battlefield with the same set of skills but give the other one a gun, he surely would have the advantage.
Player: E.K.2.
Diff: Nightmare / Invis / No Air + No load on 6.52
When 6.53 official ver is released, I will start this contest again.
summerghost.w3g865.78KB506 downloads
Another Game
Diff: Nightmare / Invis / No Air + No load on 6.52
Base: The Hideout
In count 45mins...
In count 40mins. starting the defense.
In count 37mins, too many creeps and bosses...
In count 30mins, lvl 7 lumber factory x2 making...
In count 25mins, produce captain and buy electric fist.
In count 20mins, captain gets magma fist, starting to kill bosses.
Making bodyguard wall for captain lol.
In count 09mins, I buy cursed armor, but the captain killed, Oops! So, items gave undead captain, and reproduced captain.
Ready to beat trojan...
Video & replay always alive. (maybe processing)
summerghost2.w3g799.62KB510 downloads
Yeah because level 3 mills don't give you lumber advantage, and command centers and advanced repair factories don't save you a lot of time building it. And don't forget slujj hat and silverling which gives you 2k hp and +10 armor, custom builder with faster build rate, the custom alchemist with better mana regeneration + more mana pool than the usual ones, and the custom hero which has crit + cogs of time and transmute (although not applicable into this contest, its still worth mentioning). They're totally not an advantage. /sarcasm/
Kidding aside, I have no negative feelings about the donors/donation rewards etc. I myself would donate IF I COULD. You wouldn't donate to the game just for the heck of it. You would donate because you like the game or simply because it gives you an advantage that a non-donating player can have. A player may make what the player is, but if you put two soldiers in the battlefield with the same set of skills but give the other one a gun, he surely would have the advantage.
I am saying they do give you a boost, but you can still play poorly (hence why its important to learn all the nic nacs). However for those that played ALOT of FS previously to acquiring contest & donator items (like me) still succeed. And even more so with donator items. Bottom line, I'm speaking for those that earned there donator items and contest items as they value them...I thought long and hard before I even chose a donator and my custom melee hero is used as a baseline for the lvl 40 (6.52) or lvl 50 (6.53) in-game melee hero. For me the single most value item I could have is the contest repair factory ( worked my ass off to get it on a laptop that could barely handle wc3).
Edited by Nevo, 20 July 2015 - 04:31 PM. in-game melee hero change
Yeah because level 3 mills don't give you lumber advantage, and command centers and advanced repair factories don't save you a lot of time building it. And don't forget slujj hat and silverling which gives you 2k hp and +10 armor, custom builder with faster build rate, the custom alchemist with better mana regeneration + more mana pool than the usual ones, and the custom hero which has crit + cogs of time and transmute (although not applicable into this contest, its still worth mentioning). They're totally not an advantage. /sarcasm/
The only real advantage on this contest could be the starting lumber mill, the command center. The advanced repair factory is not working properly, so the building rate is currently the same as a normal factory.
The command center item is good to have, but it isnt that much of advantage, it saves up around 15 seconds to build one.
As for the lumber mill, true. Thats puts the people who have way ahead of who dont.
But as Cidiaus said, you can still pull it off not using any donator items, as it was already demonstrated by some players here on the forum.
So, you can just chill. We will be looking for unfair advantages and if we noticed that some players had it, we will sort things out
Username: AzZ
Modes and Version: Nightmare / Invisible / Air/No Load Code / 6.52 official release
Base: The Hideout
Didn't had an easy start, almost lost at the very first spawn of creeps.
Got the quest for Mr. Shinkel. Was planning to use him to kill the last 3 bosses, but didn't had the chance. They died even before I got the reward for the quest
Almost lost at Shadow of Chaos boss, he got invul and invaded the base killing almost all the units.
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that reminds me @@ instead of just top players... maybe you should add some consolation prize for newbies who tried to do the best they could.... that should add up more entries as well...
Since everyone could look bluntly here that its impossbile to get top 5 or maybe even top 10 w/o nightmare mode
(it has shown in pictures and lottery event that people is definitely visting the sites .. but some is too hard for them to even try on )