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Global events.

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27 replies to this topic

#21 strikerfreeZ


    Dedicated Survivor

Posted 25 December 2013 - 11:45 PM

yea that would be kinda cool bosses interacting with the random events

#22 bear_369


    Private 2


Posted 03 January 2014 - 08:30 AM

Tsunami: Doesn't Effect on buildings, But damage the robotic ground units like Repair bots. Also damage the Non-Robotic ground units by 10 per second. Also has a chance that the units going to be drown.

The Hum: A phenomenon low-frequency humming, rumbling, or droning noise. It could enable to distract the ground/flying units and heroes and has a chance to miss his attack.

Sandstorm: Extremely reduce the sight of the building/units. Or has a 40% chance to miss the unit's attack (This also effect on Enemy units)

Blood Rain: Increase the hitpoint regeneration of all the enemy units (GOOD NEWS: This also effect on your units and ally units  :P. BAD NEWS: This doesn't effect on robotic units)

Virus(I don't know this can be a global events :mellow:): Enable to spread the entire fortress. Damage the non-mechanical units by 20 damage per second. Rarely 50 damage per second. When the unit die from this event. They turn into a zombie that can kill any unit into zombies.


That's all I had for global events ;)

Edited by bear_369, 03 January 2014 - 08:31 AM.

#23 Yumi


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 15 January 2014 - 08:08 AM

Forest Fire: Lumber Factories stop producing wood for aorund 15-30 seconds, so that you have to rely on kills, or if you got some lumber already you have to use it wisely. (Maybe when a boss comes too. Would make the lumber producing early in the game even more important since you'll never know when it happens, and when you don't have wood when it comes, you won't be able to upgrade walls. Pretty sure this isn't a good idea. Haha. )



Time shift: Units produce faster, upgrading goes faster , but also more units spawn in that time coming from some kind of extra portal, also stronger units. 



Not sure about those...I think it would be funny, but yeah. ^^' 

#24 TheFilthyRat


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 15 January 2014 - 10:32 AM

An event were a % of your lumber was taken at the end of every minute for X amount of minutes could work too possibly

#25 Waffle(est)


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 15 January 2014 - 03:14 PM

hmm.. any production modifiers would be pretty simple and very effective i think.. 

some more specific suggestions about it maybe?

  • as in how much, for how long?
  • absolute or proportional modifier?
  • different tiers? bonuses and handicaps.
  • when will it start?
  • how often?
  • analysis of how it would affect gameplay..

this has a good chance of getting implemented so please do give your thoughts.. 

#26 bear_369


    Private 2


Posted 16 January 2014 - 08:50 AM

Like this for example?  :P



Hail of Meteors

 Rain a many flaming meteors that crash in random point of the map.


Last: 30 secs

Handicaps: +5 to the Enemies

Bonuses: Immolation for the nearby enemies where it going to crash

Effect: Damage 30 in its crash site

Starts: After defeated Fire Destroyer.


Edited by bear_369, 16 January 2014 - 08:52 AM.

#27 TheFilthyRat


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 12 February 2014 - 11:09 PM

Still looking for more awesome ideas related to global events

#28 TheFilthyRat


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 15 February 2014 - 02:14 PM

Could be its own event or a part of another one but something that reduces EXP gained from heros by a % for a certain amount of time

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