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Global events.

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#1 TheFilthyRat


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 21 December 2013 - 06:43 AM

I think it would be cool if there were certain global events that happened while playing at certain times in the game and better yet they could happen randomly since people complain about there not being enough random things and not enough annoying abilities that happen. There is a lot of room for creativity here so if you have something you can think of that would be truly intense or super annoying or whatever post it to receive feedback... here are some events I thought of...


A drought that happens that makes it so that you can't buy any Food capacity upgrades for 7 minutes and all heros regenerate mana as if they were rank 1 during that time.


A super tornado that spawns and will suck every building into it unless you buy an expensive ( Individual or team upgrade to counter that ) And it also does massive AOE damage until it's destroyed or just small AOE damage until it expires.


An Event that stops all normal spawns because you have to go on a secret mission of some sort


An event that stops all normal spawns for a certain period and replaces them with more Intense spawns


An event where a meteor lands in everyones base and starts to do AOE damage and when its attacked it breaks into smaller pieces and doesn't stop doing damage until all the pieces are destroyed

The point behind these events is to create a higher sense of urgency. I think that if this were to happen there would need to be some sort of announcement in game like a minute before it happened or just an event timer so that people at least knew like a minute before it was going to happen.  And these events would probably be restricted to the higher difficulties but I really think there is a lot of room for creativity and a chance to expand on an already fantastic game

#2 strikerfreeZ


    Dedicated Survivor

Posted 21 December 2013 - 03:24 PM

So basically you want some exciting random events, that i can understand i dun really support most of your points(i have my reasons of course), though i really like the secret mission type as the whole team can do something together rather than only one person can participate in that certain secret mission

#3 Waffle(est)


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 21 December 2013 - 04:13 PM

well then you must have some suggestions of your own ..:P
lets hear em! :D

#4 bear_369


    Private 2


Posted 21 December 2013 - 05:56 PM

Wonder if anyone can survive those Global events, But anyway. Nice idea  :D

#5 TheFilthyRat


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 21 December 2013 - 09:39 PM

Sure people would be able to survive them... My favorite suggestion out of the whole was the global drought which would force people to rush additional food upgrades before it happened and then maybe have to get mana pots to compensate for lack of mana regeneration. The point of the events is not to be impossible but to like I said, create a higher sense of urgency while giving a way to counter it while still making it intense and annoying. As I said the events would be restricted to higher difficulties... Maybe just imposs and nightmare... ( Maybe just a whole new mode for events ) But you would definitely be able to survive... FOR A PRICE! and you would have to have a plan

And striker you may not support most of my points, but it's the truth. The game play is very linear and almost nothing stops you from playing the same way every time so random events would definitely be a way to spice things up.

#6 TheDwarfLard


    Praise the Sun!


Posted 21 December 2013 - 10:23 PM

I'm not really sure how do-able this is, but maybe adding some variation to what bosses do, like some games they'll have one ability, another game they'll have another. Or maybe just adding them all in at once and have them cycle abilities or just randomly use them every so often.


Maybe a few more quests with different requirements to complete rather than just protect an NPC or two for like fifteen minutes or whatever it is.


I could attempt to be less vague if requested.

#7 TheFilthyRat


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 22 December 2013 - 12:30 AM

What are your thoughts on global events?

#8 Waffle(est)


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 22 December 2013 - 06:38 AM

yeah we can do bosses that have random events.






ps. In general everything is POSSIBLE with scripting but some things are simply not feasible. what is or is not feasible is almost impossible to tell for people who haven't developed W3 maps.

#9 TheDwarfLard


    Praise the Sun!


Posted 22 December 2013 - 10:15 AM

What are your thoughts on global events?

Well I like those ideas for the most part, but the tornado seems a bit extreme, at least with my understanding of it; unless you meant for it to do decent damage over-time that will add up (so you'd have time to get upgrade without losing half your base if you forgot), but won't be like having 10 LT. Stealers running around in your base.


Never-mind what I said about secret mission.



The drought is good because it makes people think ahead: whether or not they'll be needing more food.

The intense spawning I just like for reasons that I can't explain in words for some reason.



There could be some helpful events too. Like some paratroopers dropping down (like the Recon Tower or whatever it is), or a short attack boost to all units and towers or a defence boost.


But, yeah. Global events definitely would add more unpredictability to the game.

#10 TheFilthyRat


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 22 December 2013 - 12:17 PM

Well these were just ideas I took a few minutes to think about and I was hoping to hear more ideas from others <.< But yeah all the events don't have to be bad necessarily

#11 Waffle(est)


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 22 December 2013 - 02:09 PM

Also the secret mission seems to favor heroes, when towers are trying to make a come-back.  




The reason heroes (units in general ) got so OP is there was no real use for them. so they got buffed so they could help defend the base... something that many of the units were not actually designed to be used for. ( lvl1 tier with 5kHP tanks for example.. rarely used at all. only have purpose if you need be mobile. cuz silver walls beat em hands down)


to make (many) events where youd actually need to use heroes and units would make them useful without needing to make them OP. it would also make the game more interesting. i mean .... <not-to-name-any-names> : " I kind of like how you need to upgrade barricades 20 times because that makes you feel buzy"


   ... well SORRY but IMHO that just means "we have shit to do for players so we need invent meta activities for them so they done realise how crappy weve been".



NO.. just NO.

It's about time we introduced some more action in to the map so there would be more to the map than trying to max your wps..

#12 Krehara


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 22 December 2013 - 11:24 PM

How about a random portal event that causes one of the portals to cast a spell, summoning a boss from 5 minutes in the future unless you do enough damage to the portal to stop the spell? Perhaps we could implement some kind of transport unit so that you could move your hero and a few units around the map.

  • strikerfreeZ and MinchaTD like this

#13 Waffle(est)


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 23 December 2013 - 09:42 AM

transport unit... pegasus wings.

#14 strikerfreeZ


    Dedicated Survivor

Posted 23 December 2013 - 02:50 PM

how about a random event where a portal is spawn and if we dun destroy it more creeps will spawn and if let on for a long time a boss will come out?(Not sure if suggested already) and another one is random events where new creeps spawn and can only be killed by towers? since towers are trying to make a come-back some how and of course limited to hard difficulties like rat said :)

#15 TheFilthyRat


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 23 December 2013 - 05:49 PM

Kreharas idea is interesting but it would have to be with a boss like LT stealer or radioactive worm so that its like a do or die situation

#16 bear_369


    Private 2


Posted 24 December 2013 - 08:18 AM

Maybe a global events has a Massive earthquake. Dealing the building by 50 per second. Like Dreadbane Khan's Ability :P

  • Waffle(est), strikerfreeZ and MinchaTD like this

#17 Waffle(est)


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 24 December 2013 - 10:25 AM

i really like meteorites and earthquake atm.

and the global drought has some nice mechanics too :)


comon keep em suggestions coming! :)

#18 TheFilthyRat


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 24 December 2013 - 11:15 PM

Earth quake is a good idea. Buildings actually will be destroyed unless you have structure ability so people will have to learn that the hard way.  I also like the drought and the meteor could work as well. I liked kreharas idea about a portal needing to be destroyed otherwise a boss from the future comes out of it... that would have to be a team effort so that could be pretty intense.. But yeah keep the ideas coming!! 



You know after worm/arthus/tyra are dead and there is kind of that 3 minutes where no bosses are coming and you're just waiting for trojan?? Maybe have an event where if you don't complete it the mission or the event an astroid will hit the map and kill everything = ))

  • strikerfreeZ likes this

#19 strikerfreeZ


    Dedicated Survivor

Posted 25 December 2013 - 12:18 PM

how about  a hailstorm event where buildings have lower armor for a period of time or buildings have a slower production time for that period of time?

  • bear_369 likes this

#20 bear_369


    Private 2


Posted 25 December 2013 - 05:53 PM

I like the hailstorm event. But I guessing, If this event lowering the armor of the building or slowering production.  I think also the Ice Destroyer will increase it's damage and armor, but the Fire Destroyer will reduce it's damage and armor when this is happening.  :D  

Edited by bear_369, 25 December 2013 - 05:56 PM.

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