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NM+INVIS+AIR 2 Players


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#21 erdam


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 01 May 2013 - 01:12 PM

You can say all u want right now, the only important thing is : Give the replay !!


If u can't, we all consider u have just used cheats, dou you understand wulf ?

Edited by erdam, 01 May 2013 - 01:37 PM.

#22 ReD


    Forum Spammer


Posted 01 May 2013 - 10:04 PM

2 ppl is max 8 machines.. 

but it takes a ton of tiem before u get tiem all working..

so lets see now..

11/s=39600 wood per lumber per factory.

450 000= (time*avgnumofmillsup*productionpermill - ALL THE FUCKIN WOOD U SPENT ON DEFENSE!)/numplayers

450 000= (t*3(best case)*40k-?)/2

900k= (t*120k-?)-> 8 hrs play?

k.. so we guess u spent 0 on all the expensive stuff and ur partner fed u EVERYTHING..

441727~= t*240k

t=(240k/44...)= 1.84hrs by my calculations.. (and i fking know how primary school calcs)

1.84 hours is a lot more than what it takes to reach 29 lvls + we presume 0 expenses and somehow u get so strong as to survive 29 levels of nm.


and wtf u trying to survive and you have 0.5m unused wood.


thats right .. its all a joke...

i hate math  <_<

#23 Can't delete profile

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    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 02 May 2013 - 01:04 AM

so.. i see cheatz. enuff said and its not special me and erdam done it over 20times?

#24 WselfWulf


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 03 May 2013 - 05:53 AM

Jasie did you get to kill the eternity? We used half time cooldowns to have a near perma stun on it (troops) but there was no achievement.

#25 Can't delete profile

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    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 03 May 2013 - 08:55 PM

eternia is impossible without cheating. enuff said D: but yea i killed her later solo with cheats and no stone was given D:

#26 Jem


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 09 May 2013 - 01:50 AM

Nice cheat... 441727 lumber sure is legit! LOL

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