We have players from different area/countries and using different support programs to play Fortress-Survival such as Garena and Battle.net. Many players play on Battle.net through [ENT] host bots don't have habit to visit or are not in Clan FS. This Official Website is still the most visited and convenient way for players to communicate. Chat in Clan FS in my opinion is the most ideal way to communicate for instant feedbacks; however, it only allows people to see each other of same area connection such as US East, West, Asia, and Europe, and in area like Europe, "clan fs" is banned, and you have to type just "fs" to find the FS bot/actual clan room.
I have no idea how to combine 2 clans as I remember there was limited space/member for a clan? Anyways, I would love to know that what area on Battle.net or how you guys play FS, so I can say hi to you if I see you, although unlike a regular clan years ago, Clan FS seems to be not-so-active at the moment.