I was recording my replay to upload for the contest 25 "heroes are not for everyone" its already half then i just noticed after few minutes my base was destroyed even tho i finished the game. I look at it and its the same build base and players which is kinda confusing since 6.72 map is uploaded on march 28 and just played yesterday one time and got 1 replay only of 6.72 map then when i replay it again it goes back to normal where i finished the game. the one i uploaded in the contest
the picture where my base is destroyed
bandicam 2016-03-31 12-47-23-307.jpg 159.27KB 0 downloads
bandicam 2016-03-31 12-47-41-810.jpg 105.09KB 0 downloads
picture where i finished the game
bandicam 2016-03-31 12-47-56-041.jpg 170.3KB 0 downloads
bandicam 2016-03-31 12-48-34-432.jpg 100.82KB 0 downloads
bandicam 2016-03-31 12-53-52-633.jpg 150.64KB 0 downloads
better look at the random players. ill add soon the record of the game where my base got destroyed kinda slow net uploading in youtube :3
qweqwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.w3g 931.53KB 0 downloads