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[Contest 27] Barricaded Dominion Bank

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49 replies to this topic

#41 Edbro



Posted 07 August 2016 - 11:05 AM

Im still a noob. This is my first contest 
Mad / No air / no invis / x1

Items used trojans roar

WC3ScrnShot_080716_113055_01.jpg WC3ScrnShot_080716_113101_02.jpg WC3ScrnShot_080716_114641_04.jpg WC3ScrnShot_080716_114652_05.jpg WC3ScrnShot_080716_114659_06.jpg WC3ScrnShot_080716_114717_09.jpg

Attached File  ok.w3g   618.61KB   502 downloads

  • Nevo likes this

#42 Edbro



Posted 07 August 2016 - 04:58 PM

2nd entry

Easy / No air / No invis / x1

still a noob

Attached Thumbnails

  • WC3ScrnShot_080716_173048_04.jpg
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Attached Files

  • Nevo likes this

#43 Picept



Posted 10 August 2016 - 07:57 PM

Hi, this is miavita,

Mad, 2X,  6.73 Official Released, Eternia killed.

Easement: custom hero/builder, start item, achievement item.


Multiplayer ENT hosted game on battle.net.

Other players died at around 40 minute remaining time, and blue (BetterThanNoob) stayed mainly as observer, he didn't give me resources (I didn't take the offer), but I'll give him some credit for a few AA towers at bottom.











 (extra screenshots for blue / BetterThanNoob)

 attachicon.gifblue 1.jpgattachicon.gifblue 2.jpg



 attachicon.gifcontest 27 Mad Eternia killed.w3g

 p.s. "Barricaded" Dominion Bank...should we only use barricades/normal walls?

how do you make those screenshots and make dl file for replay?

#44 mv1990


    Staff Sergeant


Posted 10 August 2016 - 10:14 PM

Some computers use "CTRL or ALT key" + "printscreen (PRTSC) key", and paste it to "Paint (I'm not a MAC user, but Paint application should be a default app for regular PC such as Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10...)", and save as the picture format of your choice such as ".jpg"; however, I believe you need to play on Windows-mode instead of Full-screen mode in order to capture your screen and paste (CTRL + V) to Paint

This is Paint: Untitled.png
If you want to know how to play in Windows mode, see this link for example: http://fortress-survival.com/topic/182782-record-using-obs/?hl=window
Some computers use "function key (FN)" + "printscreen" (there should be a "Screen Captured" or similar message in yellow at the center of you gaming screen), and you can find the screenshots in .tga format you took in the Warcraft III subfolder named "Screenshots", then you can use any file converter to convert .tga file to .jpg or .png ...etc. Here's a link for free online file converter: http://www.zamzar.com/convert/tga-to-png/

For replay file: you have option to save a replay file after you finish/quit a game normally (not alt + F4 or any force command) at bottom of game score summary screen; or you can also play with your Warcraft III game setting to auto-save all the games you have played or just keep the last game played. You can find your replay file in Warcraft III subfolder named "Replay", and files are in .w3g form, just "upload / attach" to your post, if you cannot find where to attach file, click on "more reply options" or "Use Full Editor".

p.s. above method is limited to my knowledge and experience, feel free to use Google Search engine.

你可以在這網站參加目前開放的競賽,在"Contests"區,也可以...用英文交流遊戲心得等等。你也可以用中文在私人頻道跟我留言,我會不定時回你問題。剛才有人在問要怎麼從遊戲截圖(screenshot)跟如何下載遊戲重播(replay)。由於我不是電腦方面的專家,我讓她自己去試 在遊戲裡按CTRL或是ALT鍵 + printscreen (PRTSC)鍵,然後貼在小畫家(我不確定在中國是怎麼稱呼這畫圖軟件的)。也可用 FN也就是多功能鍵 + printscreen鍵 然後可以再魔獸資料夾裡的"screenshots"資料夾找到 .tga檔案 然後可以用任何 轉檔程式把.tga檔轉成這網站能支持的.jpg或是.png圖檔。//遊戲重播可以在 魔獸資料夾裡的 "replay"資料夾找到.w3g檔。你可以魔獸主程式的遊戲選項調整讓系統記錄並且收藏每一場完整的遊戲或是只存最後或是最近的一場。找不到上傳點了話就按more reply option(更多回應選項)或是 use full editor (用完整的網路編輯配件)找到可以上傳 (upload)或是 附件(attachment)的地方 然後找到browse...(瀏覽檔案位置)就行。

Edited by mv1990, 11 August 2016 - 12:26 AM.

  • Nevo likes this

#45 酋长萨尔A



Posted 10 August 2016 - 10:46 PM

This very good...but...I don't understand English....
I'm from china...

#46 Edbro



Posted 10 August 2016 - 10:50 PM

My last entry for this contest 


Impossible / No Air / No Invis / 1x


Used Achievement Items


Playing online on ENT but other players died off early on




Attached Thumbnails

  • WC3ScrnShot_081016_233810_01.png
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Attached Files

  • Nevo likes this

#47 LIOS


    Private 2


Posted 13 August 2016 - 08:38 AM

Player : LIOS

Mode : Nightmare / Air / Invis / Normal boss(x1) / 6.76 Official / Eternia Failed

I tried five times.... fatal error, replay error is horrible...




01.jpg  WC3ScrnShot_081316_221215_02.jpg  WC3ScrnShot_081316_221305_03.jpg  WC3ScrnShot_081316_221332_04.jpg  WC3ScrnShot_081316_221508_05.jpg  WC3ScrnShot_081316_221556_06.jpg  WC3ScrnShot_081316_221642_07.jpg  WC3ScrnShot_081316_221740_08.jpg  WC3ScrnShot_081316_222040_09.jpg  WC3ScrnShot_081316_222121_10.jpg  WC3ScrnShot_081316_222223_11.jpg  WC3ScrnShot_081316_222630_12.jpg  WC3ScrnShot_081316_222713_13.jpg




Attached File  Contest27.w3g   1.02MB   430 downloads


#48 gyb991388



Posted 14 August 2016 - 09:36 AM

Nightmare / No air / No invi / Quadraple boss / 6.76
Player : gyb991388
Clear!! I used only achivement items





ĸó_2016_08_14_22_23_42_515.png ĸó_2016_08_14_22_50_29_197.png ĸó_2016_08_14_23_01_01_692.png ĸó_2016_08_14_23_01_10_93.png ĸó_2016_08_14_23_17_13_763.png ĸó_2016_08_14_23_18_02_28.png ĸó_2016_08_14_23_21_00_209.png no title.png







Attached File  nightmare quad dominion.w3g   1.68MB   443 downloads

Edited by gyb991388, 15 August 2016 - 07:39 AM.

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#49 Siper



Posted 19 August 2016 - 04:11 PM

Hey i'm Siper, it's been a long time since I played fortress survival and I started playing it again last month, in this game I played with a host that left or lag out or what ever so we got the default I was playing on ENT, thanks for eevee1 he helped me alot and he gave me some lumber and gave me the virus that game. 

Easy/No Air/Visable Units/Normal Bosses


WC3ScrnShot_082116_042339_02.png WC3ScrnShot_082116_042426_03.png WC3ScrnShot_082116_042558_05.png WC3ScrnShot_082116_042657_06.png WC3ScrnShot_082116_042915_07.png WC3ScrnShot_082116_043330_08.png



Attached File  warcraft 3 fortress survival contest 27 easy.w3g   861.63KB   462 downloads

Edited by Siper, 19 August 2016 - 04:13 PM.

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#50 shtroumf


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 07 September 2016 - 01:49 PM

Player: Shtroumf


Mode: Nightmare/ Air/ Invisible / Quadraple Boss / No item / Basic Heroe


Youtube Soon

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