Players: Niklas000 and Emperor(Markus000) Mode: Normal - No air - Visible units - Defeated Tyrant Behomoth Version: 6.69
Items: Wings of Behomoth, Trojan roar, Element stone, Maligant virus, and starter items (Command center, Silverlings, Advance repair factory)
Base: Malicious Den Quests: Pirate (failed) and Vault (failed)
The original plan was to use mine layers. And it did work for a while.
But eventuelly it became to much. So i decided to hire som badass looking swordsmen. Which worked pretty good.
But then shadow of chaos came to ruin everything, so i failed the pirate quest. My lumber production took a big hit because of everything that happend.
But in the end, the potion master decided too show them whos boss.
p.s. Bookshelves bug still exist in the latest versions (6.70 & 6.71) . . . I don't have much confidence to survive nightmare without advance researches.
After not playing fortress survival for months (since .56 lol) im back and decided to take part this competition!
Would love to do it on nightmare but i dont think ill have the time before the entry date closes, only started playing again yesterday
Anyway here it is
Impossible / No Air / No Invis / 4x boss / No hero / No Quests / No bugs/exploits/eater eggs / No book shelf upgrades (thx to the bug) / No load
Finally finished it on impossible, very close to losing though