I suggest that creeps and bosses would give more bounty the later game goes.
If you think about it, first bosses are really easy to kill and from each of them, you get 1 gold (or 40 lumber) for early upgrades. That is nice boost to upgrade some lvl1 mills fast for example. But then again, you get the same bounty by killing any other boss. Later on, not only that bosses comes much bigger challenge to kill and threat to your walls, but the bounty also becomes much less relevant.
Many TD's for example increase bounty every certain waves, like 5, 10, 15,... and so on. In Fortress Survival timer could do the same trick. Bosses/creeps spawned during the first 10 mins, could give 1 x bounty (1 gold, 1 lumber), spawns between 10-20min could give 2 x bounty (2 gold, 2 lumber) and so on. Thereby last bosses and creeps before trojan would give 5 x bounty.
In nutshell:
- Bounty system loses effectiveness after early game
- Scaling bounty would help that from happening too much
- This would help mostly players, that aren't fast in lumbering
- 5 x could be cap (from 40min mark on)
- This could also be implemented in gamemode selection (on, off)