Got some ideas with the tank-hero too. It might be complicated to make, but the idea in short would be to let tank to transform between mobilie tank and rooted turret, like wc3 night elfs "Ancient Protector". Both forms would have their own strenghts and weaknesses.
Tank form would have higher defense (armor, hp, hpreg?), both lower range and base dmg, but slightly splash (lower stance and shot angle) and Turret form would be weaker (flat armor), but more range and better single target dmg (higher stance and shot angle).
Strong mobile form could also share incoming dmg to wall(s) with hes own hitpoints, then couple of spells like burning dps (orb) attack and some bursty aoe spell or attackboost. Made up some skill suggestions below, really like the "Transform!" and hp-sharing Turret-form could even act as an wall, but even with 200 000 hp, flat armor would keep him from becoming indestructible, maybe Root size change by level? Moar ideas?
Skill 1: Transform! (3 lvls)
Abrahams Tank is able to switch between two forms, both of them having own strengths and unique abilities.
Tank form: In mobile form Abrahams Tank has great defense and armor. Aoe damage plays a huge role in Abrahams Tanks abilities and lower stance also causes every autoattack to deal small splash around the target unit, with the cost of dmg and reload-speed though. Splash, hp and armor increases by level.
Turret form: Abrahams Tank roots itself into the ground. With a steady stand, Abrahams Tank turns reduced recoil into faster reload-speed and is able to shoot clearly farther by the elevated stance, which also offers greater single target damage. Also the abilities are more focused in boosting single target dmg and attackspeed. Turret form doesn't benefit from gained armor but have a flat 10 instead. Another level in Transform! builds Turret up with higher density, reducing root area and increasing flat armor little. 6x6 10 armor, 4x4 15 armor, 2x2 20 armor (space management early on )
Skill 2: (Orb, passive, no cd or mana cost) (6 lvls)
Burning shot: Sets target on fire, making dmg over time. Burning shot lasts 5 seconds and causes small aoe explosion if target dies under the effect of Burning Shot. Burning dot and explosion dmg increases by level. Explosion ignites nerby enemies with the effect of Burning Shot.
Cleaving Shot: Repetitive turretshots to same target starts penetrating the targets armor. Reduced armor stacks with following attack. Starting point and cap increases by level, e.g. 1...5, 3...7, ..., 11...15.
Skill 3: (5 lvls)
Loud and Clear: Bonus dmg and max attackspeed for very short duration (for e.g. 3-7 shots), bonus dmg / shots increases by level.
Shallow Round: Abrahams Turret form shoots a special made damaging round. Along with the singletarget stun, aftershock also damages and slows the nearby enemy movementspeeds and attackrates.
Skill 4: (6 lvls)
One for All: Abrahams Tank links himself to ally structure, sacrificing hes own life for the shared good. Abrahams Tank also returns dmg when taken dmg from enemies, return increasing with level.
Option 1) Abrahams Tank heals ally units or structures with holylight, by taking half of the dmg in return, amount of healing changes with level. (easier to make)
Option 2) Abrahams Tank can set up a link to transfer hes own hp to structures, hp flow increases with level. (check map called "Power Towers", transfers mana to towers ) (Multiple flows to walls possible?) (cooler )
Focused fire: Turret form boosts allies attack with increased attackspeed and dmg auras.
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Many ideas combined from this thread, like dmg return, stun&slow, armor reduction, offense&defence, unique abilities.