No load/exploit/egg/achievement item/customed builder/etc...I'm far from being a skill player, and nightmare is still too hard for me; however, I'm trying to give example for beginner or player who complaints about the use of any "advantages" by proving how far you can achieve with the most basic setting. Of course the balance between lumber and defense is hard to find, and that belongs to the fun of gaming.
Player: E.K.2.
Difficulty: Nightmare / Air / Invis. Endless wave / Killed Eternia
Ver: 6.53 Official
I accepted Milltary base, Mr. Shinkel and Fort harbor's quest. I produced a melee hero.
First, I build walls and engineers. But, near the walls have 4 engineers, I prepare lumbering.
I started to build 32 lumber mills and bookshelves, using cogs on time.
In count 36 mins, gold mine lvl 2 has building, more lumber mills are constructed.
In count 30 mins, first lvl 7 lumber factory is completed.
Hanulla entered the fortress, I use melee hero to defense hanulla far away, elenemtal staff is completed.
(All of the air bosses, I use same strategy to prevent air bosses attacking turrets)
In count 25 mins, 2 lvl 7 lumber factory.
In count 21 mins finished 4 lvl 7 lumber factory and completed the Milltary base's quest.
Hero now has Magma fist.
Cursed larcery added to hero, super larcery is finished before the trojan.
I build lumber mills steady, so -wps is about 100~110.
Cursed armor is good item for my hero, so buy a cursed armor when trojan attacking the base.
Behemoth is coming to my base, I wished behemoth killing my turrets.
In endless wave, regenating walls are located outer base for defend attack.
Eternia is coming to my base, my hero has 3 cursed armors, but I replaced one for potion.
Eternia is too strong, my hero maybe die. Finally, I used trojan's roar and Killed Eternia.
Military Officer and all of the Manned Turrets are just alive!
Including live play video (maybe processing...)
I know it's onlyvery easy, not even airs, but i'm a beginner and i mostly did this for training + to see if i was able to , i don't know if it will be counted and idc, just sharing, in case, i'll try harder mods, but for now i can't even beat normal(gonna try).
Basic setup, i did the lumber mills zone before the repairers, sinc eit's energy walls and i'm on very easy i don't have to get scared of early aggressions, i accepted + claimed military base/quest.
Took rokeeter cause i'm rank one only, and his splash damages + adrenaline make me prefer him to marines(with items it's quite good)
later on the game, just finished my shape, only need to upgrade and it's gold rain
boom easy, a bit late, 15min is my best for now, i know you guys got the same 10-15min before ^^' but i still being pretty good in the game, no problems for walls, and i am starting to get some items(rainbow rod only for now)
got trojan, i am quite well stuffed, cursed larcensy, magma fist, rainbow rod and electic fist, my walls are fully upgrades(don' thave the god knowledge) and my armor/hp upgrade is about 11 atm.
Killed najort, it's only 30secs after so nothing to say, keeping upgrading my walls ^^
Win. , walls hp/armor upgrade are lvl 17, i prayed for that the behemoth doesn't kill my turrets, he didnt(not like the 3 last times).
bot and top turrets alive
That's all, again i know it's nothiing unbilivable, every body here can do it easely, i am gonna try at leats normal mode, for honnor.. if i can do mad it would be awesom(i got osme times tho).
replay is supposed to be attached, tell me if it isnt x)...
Player : I_vErY_nOoD69
Mode :Impossible , NO air ,Invisible
I train Tinker to help build thing and using Advanced repair factory to help me build lumber mills faster!
Tinker help alot he can help build and make my builder can focus on lumber ! i also use it to build Bookshelf to gain book to sell it
lv 2 gold mine complete at 35minute ! i will focus on gold mine when start because 15second get 1 gold means 40lumber ,very usefull on make lv7 lumber mill
my first lv7 lumber mill complete at 26minute ! I know it abit slowly ,i will train to do it more fast next time
lv7 lumber mill complete on 18minute
I train some unit to tank creep for protect Manned Turret not break by range creep for pass that rules >.<!
Tinker got a mission that heal wall, so i use Tank become damage dealer ! 1600atker range + chaos damage type with item =powerfull
Tyrant Commander Behemoth down ! complete XD
Warrant Officer and Manned Turret alive ! Mission complete!
Forgive my bad english ! Workhard on it >.<! 6.53~@.w3g490.3KB534 downloads
Edited by kevinlai1993, 25 August 2015 - 09:39 AM.
So like i said i did retry in normal mdoe and managed to finish it, pretty easely, so i said myself, let's try mad mode!At the first try i miserably died at squarsh(or something like this, the hent.. tentacle monster), but i did manage to win on the 2nd try :3 .
I placed towers here to gain some golds, they ddint brought much but it as free, so worth. ^^
My basic setup, tinker hero is building advanced factories for lumber mills, i don't know if my energy walls were really usefull, but i preferred do them for safety, and i didnt loose any time so all good for now.
first square of lumbers mills finished at 42:45
my base, with turrets, only marines are missing, they come later, for now turrets are doing the job well.
I finished all my squares, lvl 7 incomings ^^
1st level 7 at 24:25 that's my best for now ^^
4lvl 7 at 17:03 that's clearly my best, 2mins bette rthan alst time, ii progress
diamonds walls + finishing upgrading towers
Tinker will be here to heal walls, so we stuff tank
Just killed najort, he tooks me a wall :'( thx revive upgrade, i tought it was the end but nope, upgrading it asap + giving it super health stone to survive a bit better
The beast... i puted repair key in my statue to heal even more, my walls are levels 21, don't know if it's good or not, but it's the best i did for now ^^
bot, top and officer alive(i just realised that in my last entrance my officer didnt survive, so it wasnt even good for the contest).
Most basic setting (no load/bookshelf bug/achievement and start item/customed alchemist and builder/barrel)
I got the captain warrior and accepted the quest to protect Mr. Shinkle and Boberto.
(This is about my 30th try, I just want to prove that all the beginners/players without "advantages of donation/achievement/contest prices/etc" can enjoy more with the excitement of Fortress Survival on all difficulties rather than saying nightmare mode is impossible)
Every second matters to lumber for a good start . . . 5 blinks + walking isn't that bad . . . Use Mechanics to help you build faster
Tower is necessary when you don't have enough damage output like many op heroes have, and Earth Throwing Tower is just my preference here
Buy mana potions from item shop and lumber 2 mills at a time to earn time for survival by upgrading fast
Of course, don't forget to upgrade health point technology for buildings
Train some wizards to hex for your survival to steal repairing time
Snowman is what I hate the most, and it killed most of my units, reaped down my walls sometimes, and I have to buy energy wall from item shop
Wizards can handle those fat Bloody bosses just fine
You may need items with Area Of Effect damage such as rainbow staff, electric fist, and maga fist to kill Radioactive Worms and Arthus faster
Finally, you are ready for the last three bosses. Behemoth almost raped me till fainted. And a good technique to deal with those bosses is to buy walls from item shop; otherwise, walls down meaning the end for some players if you cannot stun/tangle bosses
Lumber is the key for everything, and alchemists are given to players at beginning for reasons
Tower is necessary to defend for this contest. Stalling technique wouldn't work with Manned Turrets while they can hardly receive any damage. Mercenaries cannot buy you time to lumber on Nightmare mode with creepy Invisible units.
I didn't have time to take screenshot while Lt. Stealer almost reaped down one of my wall and the Shadow of Chaos + Fire Destroyer killed my repair bots. Walls from item shop are very useful, and it often saved me from being humiliated by bosses... Have I told you that I hate Snowman? They kill my units every game.
You should have trained wizards not just to make you look pro, but to ease walls for repairing.
If you cannot kill the Radioactive Worms fast enough, chances are they will glitch into your base and "do" you hard from behind. One way to solve the problem is to stuff your empty spaces with tower or units
Buy some Repair Keys and place those in your Defence Aura Statue for shorter distance to walls and repair in case while Najort stun your units. If you don't have a female builder with item management skill, nor you have space to move close to Statues, you can still use any unit to carry keys around.
Extra walls can save you Repair Keys and even save you when bosses spawned inside the base, but too much extra walls will give you risk of not killing bosses on time for towers and units out of reach to have damage.
p.s. I don't know how sometimes a broken replay is formed, and my screenshots can prove that I finished the game.
Contest #2 for me! After finishing some early morning homework from the first week of school (crazy right?), I decided to take a break and go after another contest. I looked through BNet, but didn't see any one in games so I decided to take a look at what was available to join in on.
I haven't quite gotten the hang of defending more than 1-2 walls in a round and had no idea how to deal with 6 (I think) in the Military base. I played normal, noair, noinvis. I started off with a nice 3 layer stall which did very well for most of the game. Later on only the regen and the regular walls survived. In the end, the main wall was all that was left, but that luckily never fell.
Initial setup. Still very basic with a stall.
I prefer using towers over mercenaries, but I'll play around with it a bit more. I got a couple wiz later on, which were very helpful.
I don't like the tyrant. (LOL) He killed my regen walls. After a bit of work, I finally killed him so its all good
Pretty straightforward game with the most basic settings. None of that tome selling thing. Uhh almost died around pheng LOL. Tyrant almost got inside my base but that's about it. I started taking screenshot when chaw (?) died cuz I forgot about it ._. So, some of the screenshot are from the replay.