Hello ! I've quite a lot of ideas to improve the map, so here's the list (be ready):
Pure improvement:
- Freeze the game for some seconds at the vote window (something like 8s) to let people vote in the chat or select the difficulty without losing time
- Rename the tower attack speed upgrade so it starts lvl 1 to lvl xx or whatever (don't know how many of them there are), would be more coherent with the rest of the upgrades in the game, and we directly know which one we have; additionally, the 0.5% attack speed means nothing, but I don't know how the AS mechanic works in W3 (it doesn't make sense though, compared to a 125% cursed larceny)
- Pure detail: right align the fsa difficulty/version on both reduced and extended table so that it doesn't move when we switch from one to the other
- More detailed patchnotes: currently, a lot of changes are just not listed (sometimes even big ones...), and some are very fuzzy for people who like numbers like me :'( just keep a .txt with every change you make while you modify the map, won't take you long but will save hours for players trying to figure out the changes not listed ^^
- Remove the survivor attack; the -kill command exists for a reason, and it will prevent some deaths due to weird unit aggro (had my survivor killed once by air units when 15 marines were near him...)
- Remove the Undead Captain autoselection when we get him (it's really annoying)
- Add a tooltip to towers telling us what the "special attack" from the upgrade is (with the numbers please
- Change the Electric Fist tooltip to tell us the frequency of the proc (I think it's 10%, from the forum...) and the numbers on the active
Changes/additions that I would like to see (it's my opinion - however I think they would be beneficial for everyone):
- The walls able to see invisible units after a certain rank (maybe mithril walls and beyond)
- Bunkers should be able to hold at least 4 units (I'd personally make this 5, and much more if units can't do anything while inside), and it would be great if units inside could fire (but I guess it's probably hard to script since it's not a mechanic that exists in W3); and bunkers should benefit from the hp upgrade of walls OR supportive buildings + eventually the wall armor upgrade - it will always be weaker compared to a wall and its upgrade, and it would give people a way to deal with air without having an op hero (and don't tell me about the wall + aa tower combo, the aggro of air units is really weird and always destroy my towers often before the wall unless you have a crazy big base in which you can put enough space between)
- Buff the tesla tower - I compared towers between them, and this one has absolutely no reason to be used, other towers exist with higher damage AND higher range; this tower should have the highest damage to compensate its very low range (and maybe change its attack type to magic, so it would be a river tower with higher damage but lower range) [The flame tower has almost the same dps but with a chaos attack; the river tower has much more damage even taking into account the attack type, with more range]
- The merc hp upgrade modified to add a flat hp amount + a percentage (so that units with low base hp are affected, not only the high hp ones); it would make some merc more viable in the late game too ("more" not meaning they ARE viable though :/, but it's one step further to improving the situation) [or add a flat hp upgrade in addition to the current % one)
- Reduce the lifetime of monsters to reduce, or even remove the stalling technique. I think this mechanic shouldn't have such a huge use in this game (stalling for 30mn is quite ridiculous), and you should do everything to remove its existence. Another way to deal with stalling would be to add an aura to monsters, only affecting others that spawned too long ago (similar to the aura that some bosses have, but with conditions on its activation). Might be tricky to implement though, but would be more precise than reducing lifetime (fe. the former would impact games in which monsters walk too long in the map before finding the base, while the latter would be more consistent because it would only affect monsters in front of your walls) [Nightmare difficulty would probably need some nerf if this change was implemented]
- For the next contests: force a specific version of the map (and a release one, not beta), and forbid custom hero/items, besides the one that are obtainable in game (wings virus etc), so that everyone has the same chance (and it's easier for you to judge the replays); eventually specify use of easter eggs/quest/load too
Very optional:
- Add an option at beginning (along with air inv etc): Easter Eggs/No Easter Eggs and Quests/No quests (mainly for the contests) (and even Custom items or not)
- A book to get an insta upgrade on the next level of wall armor (but very expensive, maybe 3k wood)
- A backpack system (like in the Wilderness Survival map for example); I think the system used is a huge invisible hero (that can't be moved) following the survivor - I wouldn't directly benefit from that one, but I saw replays in which people had so many items they had to -load after starting their base; and it would make inventory management easier
- All type of towers with the same number of upgrades, so you can normalize the price between different types of tower, and it's just more coherent - this change is highly optional though (I just like when things are homogeneous, lol.)
- The forge master is a great idea: it doesn't interfere with the base layout and can't die, and give something nice, you should do more of that (with other building like towers but with the same principle). It really give a base some identity rather than a random X99 base we can't even remember the name, in conjonction with the -claim change I suggested before. For instance, you could do the base "The manufactory", with a lumber mill production base already made (maybe with small bots having the factory spell, hence reducing the space needed - being the specific advantage of this base; or upgraded technicians), but separated from the main layout of the base (like the forge master) ; or replace the bases with a shop by an invulnerable npc
Thanks for reading, I had a .txt with all the changes that crossed my mind and finally posted them here (I'm not a huge forum user so I'd rather post all of them at once). I think all of them would be a positive addition to the game without any negative consequences (besides the creep lifetime change and the armor book maybe), but feel free to discuss / tell me I'm totally wrong
Ps: Some of the changes I'm suggesting are related to the -claim change as well, that I really hope to be implemented (Nevo liked the post, so I considered that was a yes ^^) & some of them might already have been suggested, I didn't check the whole suggestion forum.
Edit 12/05/2015: items in green are the one that have been implemented (version 6.52)
Edit 22/05/2015: updated