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[6.48] Kills/lvl7

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#1 AzZ


    The Legendary.


Posted 02 February 2015 - 06:02 PM

So, theres two weird thing I'm going to report.


1) I was playing with another player inside my base.
He had his survivor, and 2 alchemists. Not a single offensive unit.
He had 3 energy walls built in front of my walls. That being said, his killing count was increasing throughout the whole game, even though he didn't had a single offensive unit.


2) at some point on the game, the teal player left the game( around minute 17 ).
I had 3 lvl 7's and teal had 2. I was just finishing my 4th when he left. When I tried to place it, the lumber mill just vanished.
If the player has reached the limit of 4 lvl 7, the lumber mill should be dropped as an item, or something similar.


I think something should be done about it. It takes too much work to complete a lvl 7 lumber mill to it goes to waste like that.


Attached File  Replay_2015_02_01_2248.w3g   967.34KB   1 downloads

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