a) use -wps command to get ur actual productioin (rather than feel)
measure at preset times..*
c) note that upgrading to lvl7 pauses income for a few seconds (while it upgrades) it will take a little time to make up for it (between 1 and 2 minutes id estimate)
also it is important to produce as many raw mills as u can first and foremost, if u do lvl7-s but your worker is idle for some time you can end up undoing any benefit.
so keep your worker buzy at all times..
place mills if u got spare time..
combine mills if u still have spare time
in roughly that exact order.
some games ive had like 50 unplaced mills at moments and still owned (tho thats was a moment where i had to destroy some factories to makeroom for mills so it kind of compensated)
*how to prove a random claim:
def prove_claim(claim):
from random import pick
samples= []
# the moment the samples lean in our favor we stop the experiment
return proof(claim, samples)