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[Contest 7] Grow Stronger

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#1 Nevo



Posted 02 September 2014 - 10:24 AM

Welcome to the [Contest 7] Fortress Survival Grow Stronger!!!


Who has shown the most Growth since first playing Fortress Survival?!






  • Don't wait until the last hour to post your entry.
  • Your submission must explain your very first Fortress Survival Experience, what you were doing, your first impression, etc.
  • You must also explain how you've evolved as a player and how you've changed your tactics since your first few games.
  • You must submit your in-game name where you would like the prizes to be awarded.
  • Remember we expect enough effort from all submissions and will take them seriously so we ask that you do too.
  • Those submitting more detail, pictures, and better use of grammar will gain more consideration!
  • The contest will be going on for two months so revise your submission as many times as needed prior to contest end date.
  • There will be Twenty-Five Winners chosen by our highly trained staff!


All Winners will receive a FREE Custom Builder.

If Winner already has a Custom Builder, they will receive a FREE Starter Bundle.

If Winner already has a Starter Bundle, they will receive a FREE BONUS ITEM!!



18 Winners in order of submission:

  • dokodoko1
  • AzZ
  • zakuman
  • TheDwarfLard
  • Mindless03
  • BlueBerryMuffin
  • Kimimaro
  • Cidiaus
  • Ethaw
  • Marco
  • Niwa
  • code.blue
  • Murttraz
  • Sieghart93
  • sentinel_owning
  • AlreadyDead
  • mv1990
  • Wisp2

  • TeandyHence, Murttraz, SoulSurvivor and 4 others like this

#2 jinsou420


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 02 September 2014 - 11:30 AM

very nice good luck survivors :)

Hello my name is Alexander :)

my ingame name is  : dokodoko1

playing on uswest :)

My first experience was before few years and it was very funny

...trying  to get along and  survive,  learning  this game :)

i didnt get much of the gameplay then and it was just a game like all others,

but now it is most  enjoyable with the ranks and the new little things that make this game special, makes you wanna put more effort in it! 

For me the best joyful moments are when you team up with others and you earn achievements with them making friends and just be happy about what you've done with the game :) Starting this newer versions was really difficult for me with all the new addings,the mills upgrades, the items.... it was completly new game to me from that i have played before years,

now im going trough ranks and im now rank 41 and going and with the new patch

its so exciting

About Strategy i had none in the early games trying to figure out what im gonna do and learn from others but now i have build up a strategy and  my strategy is to "Play with others" ! always success and happy moments with that  along with having alot of fun,for me the best team game ever with alot of unique features that other survival maps copy from,so have fun and keep on playing friends 

I am posting 2 pictures   :)  The first is from our lovely base and the 2nd is a bug that we encountered after killing Trojan :) i am adding another picture of our team game fun :) 2 more pics of my solo gameplay but playing with others have more spirit in it :)

will be uploading some more pics for much fun <3


Untitled1.png Untitled.png Untitled1.png Untitled2.png




Edited by Nevo, 23 October 2014 - 04:19 PM.

  • Nevo, SoulSurvivor and diggymo_o like this

#3 AzZ


    The Legendary.


Posted 03 September 2014 - 02:01 PM

Account: AzZ

Relm: Northrend(europe)


The Map was presented to me by a friend of mine. I am very happy that I joined her in that game, because now i am hooked :)
I'm member of a vampirism fire clan. Since both maps have some similarities ( build a base, defend it, different tactics, etc..) I'm really enjoying play it.
I am still new, started play 2 weeks or so ago. But as I'm on vacation from university, I've played more than 100 games until now(got addicted) :P
As I started play with a friend which already knew well the map, I had a good guidance. Started as a lumberer in order to watched how her and other players in the game had built their bases. Also asked a lot of questions about tactics, and stuffs.
Adding to that, downloaded quite a number of replays here on the forum, they helped me alot. Although it was mostly from old versions, I improved a lot in a short time due to it.
When I finally felt that I was ready to start basing alone, I failed miserably. I started playing on hosted games, so I would have other people to compare my gameplay. As other players had chosen modes Mad and impossible, as it was expected from a noob, I got crushed.
Influenced by some of the replays I watched, I got addicted to claim security room and rush to Summer cottage. Apparently, quite a number of players do that.
After a lot of games basing only on Summer Cottage, I left behind the Noob status B)
At the start, I tended to freak out if I had a big number of creeps at my walls, so I wasted a lot of time building towers and focus only on defense.
As the game advanced, I noticed that I barely had wood produce compared to some other players on the game.

Base: Summer Cottage

ZNtwYlGs.jpg  UYgvYrqs.jpg

As you can see in that print, when Stealer spawned and came straight to my base, I barely had some mills done, and a really poor production.

PS: I still had a higher produce than Both the other players :P
Playing more and more, I learned how to balance offense/lumbering.
After that , I started basing on other bases. Until now I have tried these:

Bases: C-21 Alpha | W-61 Bravo | Summer Cottage | The Science Lab

iorNj6Ps.jpg  tUQJ1zIs.jpg  f1wdV7ts.jpg  C8OZT2os.jpg


For each base, I have a different set of repair factories. In the beginning I used to do the same thing whatever the base I was.

I used to pick big bases, so I had enough space to build lots of mills and towers.

Geting more experience, now I do my bases on small places, which  speed things up. Dont having do build a big set of repair units/factories saves up a precious time.

Bases: Tree Base | Y-51 Bravo | C-26 Alpha

iJftGu1s.jpg  sjIBF0js.jpg  YDo6CIQs.jpg

As you may notice on the screens, I dont base my offense on towers anymore. Now I rush to get mills done and up the hero as the main offencive force.

Also, the majority of these games were played on the impossible mode. I've won games on nightmare mode, but I still lose more than I win =/

I'm still far in my quest to master the map, but now I'm much closer than when I started  :D

Hopefully, I will get there :)

  • Nevo, SoulSurvivor and diggymo_o like this

#4 zakuman


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 03 September 2014 - 03:24 PM

Hello all :)
my game nick is: zakuman
Northrend - EU

like a survivor dokodoko1 my first experience with this map was few years ago. That time i was pretty good, but that was time when there wasn't so much strategies and enemies as now :)
i had break from playing warcraft3 and when i came back the fortress survival was in version 6.42 - i must say - my eyes was like coins when i saw those changes! small mills, mills changes to mills lvl6/7! heros etc. at first try with new version i tryed play old style strategy and... i failed so hard :) but i love survival type of games so i start to try asking/watching other players and soon i became more and more experienced. Right now i love style of this game, there are so many strategies and every game can be diffrent! its important becouse its not getting boring after time, and those ranks - love the idea, rank after rank, hero after hero i wanna more and more :)!
but there is other possitive aspects about this map, i meet some nice players and i was glad to play with them more :) few days ago i received thanks to help of two of players legendary item from killing the eternia, and im now rank 37 and rushing for more and more:)
haha and i was about to forget - wings - at the start of map and players fly away from me i was like " what is going on.... " after this i was asking what is this, becouse idea of this item is just awesome!
i see that people work hard on this map, it was very nice after this break from w3 see that all, so many new things and with every update its not just new number - no - you must figure all out and... survive!
in firsts games i was focused on figure out how to make better mills, and make use of books, my main style was just survival and good walls. After that i start to use help of repair factories, and some towers - first of them was ice and assassin, and after some time rock tower. i didnt know that units can be good, so in first ranks i was playing mostly with buildings and hero ofc. But there was time for... Rank 15 hero, i must say i love this orc character :) looks like badass :) his ability is sending squad for help, after receiving this hero i start to use marines also, and time was passing by, i was faster i had defence and power to kill.

on screenshot you can see my last game on mad mode, my tactics was - not loosing too much wood on walls, boost hero, make four ice towers to make a time for kill mobs, using sentry item to see more enemies. Also in last moments in game, like for trojan and behemoth i use energy walls to buy me a time to kill them before they get to my last defence :)

same stratety diffrent difficulty - right now invisible, impossible - screenshot was taken after i killed behemoth

but few of games still can end like that :) (screenshot was taken at some of my first ranks)

Edited by zakuman, 04 September 2014 - 03:58 AM.

  • Nevo and SoulSurvivor like this

#5 TheDwarfLard


    Praise the Sun!


Posted 14 September 2014 - 12:39 PM

Warning: This post is incredibly long.


Also, for some reason the newer 6.45 screenshots I took didn't end up registering correctly, so I'm using a few from an older contest.


Name: TheDwarfLard



The first time I played a game of Fortress Survival was in version 4.8, which was probably the current version about 3 years ago now. I only played one game in that version, but I remember it quite well.

When I joined the game lobby, a few people asked me if I had either ever played before or had an idea of what I was doing. I couldn't say yes to either question truthfully. So someone instructed me to follow the rest of the group to the Courtyard, which was dramatically different than it is now, as you can see in an image below. Two people took to making the walls, repairs, and towers. Everyone else (probably at least 3 others, including myself), made lumber mills and supplied the wallers.


Not having alchemists, or just not knowing of them, made lumbering much simpler than it is now, but still annoying to have to work with the old lumber production system. Lumber was created as an "upgrade" that automatically refreshed itself to keep it going. The WPS per mill was pretty much the same, but to upgrade the lumber mills, you had to cancel both lumber "upgrades" and click the upgrade button before the lumber mill refreshed its lumber queue.


We ended up defeating the Trojan, but for a while I didn't think much of Fortress Survival (I probably forgot about it, as I had been going through a lot of maps around then I think).




304eea1b267cf42b84d11b86fe1e0739 1.png





The next time I played was in the 5.00 versions. I was obviously a noob back then and can't remember much about how I played or where I based.  


In version 5.30 is when I really began to get into Fortress Survival. I remember quite clearly where I based, which is pictured below, how I based (roughly), and that I much preferred the Rocketeer hero to the Marine. I used a mixture of towers and units in this version. It did make me a bit sad when X-63 was changed to have two entrances.


At this point, alchemists were in the game (for sure), as were level 5 mills, so that's what I went with. I started with building 8 lumber mills around a repair factory and when I started running out of room in my base, I got an alchemist to make room and make level 5 mills. At this point I still wasn't very good, but I was playing Fortress Survival much more often and getting slightly better each time. Trying to replicate it as best I could, I managed 23.75 WPS, as level 5 mills gave 1.25 WPS at the time. Everything else is in the attachments.



226805f9252c2a7700e41188d302ca7a 2.png          5ee67dc36a188487f383162fde89c013 3.png           c2a8bb1dc8803ac4386e88548cffe4c3 4.png           f18f53a86ced8ad56fc15e1ce2f762a3 5.png           7fb447493b986efb2d05dd65c84fbbec 6.png





The 6.00s brought some pretty big changes to the game, especially with the rank system, bookshelves, and a new end game bosses, the Relentless Avenger (who is now the Najort). Even though it was an easy tactic, it was always fun to build as many bookshelves as possible in what is now the Gathering Hall [Insert old base name.] It started pretty slow, but once you had a row of bookshelves up, the amount of tomes you'd get was quite astonishing, not to mention the normal books that could be sold for lumber. By the end of the game, a fully tomed Rocketeer hero could easily tank and take down all the end-game bosses without much of a problem. This only existed in one version of 6.00 though. Thankfully, bookshelves quickly received their limit of 8.  




The next version I remember clearly was 6.20. At this point, I was basing in yet another base W-61, and it was one that I stuck with for quite a while. It's basically the same as it is now, at least the area I'm concerned with. It provided decent space for 3 walls and was a decent distance from spawns, meaning I didn't have to worry too much about early spawns (which is the complete opposite of how I feel now about having early spawns). By now I was probably managing to regularly beat the map on Mad difficulty without invisible or air enabled.


Also, by this point, I was using the hero focus strategy for damage output. I couldn't use that strategy entirely, as the final bosses became magic immune at certain points, so Alchemist couldn't damage them, so I had some assassin towers. Once again, trying my best to replicate it, I managed about 55.7 WPS (which is actually slightly more than I get now). Also, this version's lumbering and lumber mill building was incredibly fast, allowing for lots of lumber mills.



44341d07647909ef07a3058082a1e1f4 7.png           f438415dd7ce497b6ca325c9513adc71 8.png           77a736808ee653a775ca548f66b2fd4a 9.png           c29ff2e50c46501c0201f77a75988dd8 10.png          e706060d199be5b5e8a5adbae0f88e9f 11.png





After this came version 6.30, which had its fair share of annoying features, but it did have more ranks available. The most annoying thing was the evasion on Pheng and the Trojan, Najort, and Behemoth. Their evasion well exceeded 90%, maybe even as high as 95%, which made them nearly impossible to defeat, less so for Pheng as the game progressed. More often than not, I'd end up getting nuked at the end because I couldn't take down the Najort in time. Thankfully, this was adjusted to more reasonable values.




I'm going to combine 6.40-6.42, as I'm not remembering huge differences between them. Around now, the elemental stone came out and was the new and great item that everyone wanted. Being decent at FS at the time, probably managing solo impossible, I could contribute to an effort to kill Eternia, but not be the main person behind it. In my attempts, I usually lumbered someone else and hoped for the best. After trying a lot of times, eventually I had a game with Waffle who helped me get the elemental stone. I was still using the same base I did for 6.20 and 6.30 during this period of time, so not much changed besides having a new item and maybe slight optimizations with my strategy.




6.44, also under the 6.43b200 name for a good while, was where I really started to make my strategy (the one I use now, at least roughly). I had my hero now, and Filthy had suggested a different base to use, as I was still not completely sure of where I wanted to be basing (this was during the 6.43b200 or later 6.42 phases). He suggested I try X-65, as it was two walls, provided decent space, and later it had room to expand easily. I also liked how it was really close to the basement passage, so I get a large number of spawns for lumber, stats, and levels for my hero.


As X-65 is certainly on the smaller side of bases (in one version it was way too big and everyone wanted to base there, then it was made into how it is now, besides some aesthetics, and no one wanted to base there anymore). Because of its size, a hero focus strategy is the only one I find viable, so that's what I went with and I was all ready used to it to an extent.


To put it down simply, I focus lumber mills and getting my level 7s up at around 35, 32, and 30 minutes on timer, give or take about 30 seconds. I keep my wall tier and armour a bit higher than is needed, so I have some room to work with if things end up bad. After my level 7s are up, I fill in the rest of the space (save a few possible spots) with level 5 mills. I then placed 4 energy walls at the larger entrance to X-65 and used it for more room for mills, then I eventually destroy what's left of my factories to fit another 6 level 5 mills in (depending on whether or not I had the time). Doing this I almost always get 55.250 WPS and around 90-95k produce by the time Trojan spawns, which is quite nice for having walls up and getting items for hero.  


Now for 6.45, where we're currently at (6.46 is getting close though). Between this version and the previous one, not much in terms of my strategy changed, besides having to abandon expanding because of NM double bosses; otherwise it was mostly slight optimizations. For better, self-explained details, I'll leave some screenshot attachments at various points in the game, starting with Stealer.



119dacfc09b1a6b548e2b5056ab95116 12.png                              64de008554ddbffd6e6f3d9dd6b20461 13.png

  • Nevo, SoulSurvivor and diggymo_o like this

#6 Mindless03


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 14 September 2014 - 03:38 PM

I'm actually quite new to this game, but I want to give it a go. :)


Name: Mindless03


My first experience with Fortress Survival is a while back, I'm not sure from how long ago exactly but it would be about 1-2 years.

I have absolutly no idea what version I was playing and I had absolutly no idea what I was doing.

To be honest i was actually quite new to warcraft 3 frozen throne at all, I'm used to playing on Gameranger (starting with the name Mindless and later NoMercy) and with a bunch of people with whom I played quite a lot on different custom maps there I joined them on a game of Fortress Survival, we based on D-21 Alpha, I just followed them there and they told me to start building lumbermills and to 'save space'. Well I started doing that and to me it seemed quite boring. We were with 4 people, 1 going for walls and all other people were lumbering for him. We soon enough run out of space to build just randonmly, at that point the game started getting interesting as we needed to provide the waller with lumber, I remember that it took me quite a while to figure out how to give lumber to the other players, at some point they even started asking for gold. I had no idea how to get it. Luckily they were quite patient and good at explaining. I don't trully remember much though, but a few things i do remember, I remember them telling me to build a hero, and i got a hero! I even got skills to use and had an idea that I was contibuting to our victory. I remember dying by some big evil thing. :P

I didn't know you could save anything but I remember feeling quite awesome as I had the feeling my teammates were really good at the game and we came really far. Looking back now I doubt that we trully came far but I don't remember on what difficulty we were playing. So I can't say if we were trully noobs or not that much.


Well after that I think the version I started playing this game was around 6.43, which probably isn't that long ago. I know at some point I started to get what I was doing, I started to learn how to use an alchemist and I even found out about this site. From that point on I started reading guides and things like that so learn to game. My best memory of the game so far (aside from the 1st game I played as that is a trully magical memory) was playing a game on super-easy, which wasn't that easy for me though, I was about rank 2 then and I was playing with a player on rank 8, which I thought to be absurdly high, at some point he died, but I survived, I dont know how, but I survived and I even got to the endless waves, I felt an absolute pro back then.


Well after that point I really started to love Fortress Survival, but on gameranger there weren't many players playing it so I have had some difficulties with finding new games, but so now and then I could play a game, I managed to defeat normal mode a few times and I even defeated the game on Mad mode once. I know that this isn;t much of an achievement, but well for me it was.


I'm quite sure that right now I would be able to defeat it on nightmare mode and get my first special item but as i Really started to love this game I decided to donate here and get a custom builder and hero. As I'm now waiting for the new version to come out I haven;t played the game for around 3 weeks I think. I found out I had to start using battle.net instead of gameranger which isnt really a problem for me but I'll just have to restart ranking as I was rank 12. But being a bit more experienced I have a lot of good hope that it will go a lot faster now.


For the future I hope to start playing with really experienced players and I saw a post in the forum with a skype group to find players for games. I will probably join that and hope I will learn to become a real expert at the game. For me its just the beginning of the game and I'm trully falling in love with it and as the map is stilling getting updated reguraly i dont think I will get bored of it very soonish. :)




  • Nevo and SoulSurvivor like this

#7 BlueBerryMuffin


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 15 September 2014 - 02:06 AM

[Disclaimer: I made the bases in single player. Cheats were used to speed up the process.]

Name: BlueBerryMuffin



I don't remember the version I started or my first game but I started really early on. I remember the earliest I played the bases were all 2+ entrances and a couple mills were enough to win the game. 

Fire Towers and a cold tower were all you needed for damage. First impressions were that it was a simple game that didn't require much skill. Just queue up buildings and see what needs upgrading. 


WC3ScrnShot_091514_010224_02.jpg I used 4.2 to make the setup. This would be the basic setup for the smaller bases.


I don't remember playing much because it didn't really have much replay-ability in my opinion.  I stopped playing Warcraft for a long time and the next version I remember playing was probably 5.2 or so and I didn't really get too into it for the same reason. In 5.2 bases got bigger and some of their entrances closed and thus began the age of the single entrance bases.

WC3ScrnShot_091514_022048_01.jpg This one in particular was quite popular with people. Some people liked assassin towers. I liked the Fire, Ice and Earth combo.

Alchemists were out by now but they were expensive and could not be trained until later on.


I basically didn't touch fortress survival until ent gaming started to have bots hosting it constantly. Which is when I started to really get into it. By then I basically forgot everything and just now remembered as this event came up. So I consider myself a pretty new player with past experiences?


When I played again in ~6.xx, it was as if it was a completely different game. There were much more decor and specialized bases. Many bases are completely unique such as top left where my first nightmare solo was. Shameless plug http://fortress-surv...ghtmare-solo-d/ It was done using a spot that glitched the monsters and caused them to go back and forth without hitting the wall. After that the base got fixed :). I don't remember exactly how I did it so you will have to watch the replay if you want to.


Since then I would look to find weird glitch spots that would cause monsters to get stuck and such. I found around a dozen spots that were unreachable to melee or would have the units run back and forth on a ledge. All posted of course. Although most if not all are gone by now.


WC3ScrnShot_091514_024658_02.jpg Since then The Pit and The Waterfall base has grown to be my favorite bases. 


I believe Fortress survival has come a long way since when I first tried this game all those years ago. It has probably been over 5 years now. I am in college now and tried it back in junior high. It has come from a game of queues and upgrades to a game of a lot of micromanagement and fast precise actions. Having to do something at least once every second or more(or is it less?) if you want to win on the harder difficulties. This game has become much more diverse although some could argue that heroes are the only way to go. With the changes I have been hearing about 6.46 I can see this game staying popular for a long time.

  • Nevo and SoulSurvivor like this

#8 Yumi


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 15 September 2014 - 07:17 AM

Oh my god, I still remember that time... My friend told me...



"Hey, wanna play this Survival Game? It's called Fortress Survival."



This was Version 4.80 which was the most actual one there..



It was then hosted, and we went in the game. I had likely absolutely no clue what this is about. I thought you gotta maze, and so I just built the full map with barricades till I noticed that that won't help. My friend just said nothing. So, I kept doing that strategy but I also built towers in between spaces thinking I could win like this...Then the bosses came. After some games, also in public, I've seen people actually build bases and decided to do that too... Went to the base exactly right of the spawn, minding my own business, building the normal lumber factories...Until someone told me to upgrade the Mills and shrink them. I just thought. "Whaaat? Oh, there's a upgrade button .___." I just kept building there, slowly and slowly getting used to this. Watching more and more people how they build and their strategies I kept doing. But I felt too lazy to wall and lumber at the same time. [Lumbering and Walling also was explained to me.] So, after I died again, I decided. "Damn it, I'm not gonna build walls anymore and just go to people's bases and build mills." From there on, I searched for new strategies to lumber and stuff, trying oh-so-many configurations on how it worked the best. I usually didn't even have a Hero cause I thought they'd be useless looking at the units.

Well...I kept playing with my friend, and at around level 10 or so I started to actually understand this game.. It was amazing what possibilities you actually have when knowing it. I kept lumbering, though. Throughout the games I sometimes went in my own bases and tried no-walls, or walls+units..So much work for a lazy person. I mean..at first I thought it was like Sheep Tag, think about it. Building mazes. 

 And then, some levels higher, I started seeing the other people. More pro-like people. But shortly after I had discovered lots of this, I stopped cause I went playing other games instead of Warcraft...

So I came back sometime, not sure what Version. Maybe 5.30 or something, I don't know. I came back and was a total newb...


But this time I got used to it faster, and remembered old stuff. I had also noticed the changes that went, but my base was still the one close to the spawn on the right. This time, I managed it. I finally got to Trojan...on Very Easy. Holy, this mode was like Nightmare for me when I started. I've been playing, and playing, and playing. My friend someday stopped it, but I kept doing. I wanted to learn this game, to be good at it.


[Then it was time for the Elemental Stone release, and the Hero..]


And this target is what I reached just recently. I've been able to solo Nightmare Air Invis for the first time in my now favorite Base with my sweet Skeleton Warrior. After I had finally beaten it, people asked me. "Yo, Kimimaro] , how did you do that? Can you tell me how? I'm always too slow." And stuff, and I just felt good finally being one of the biggies. At around that time, I decided I wanted a custom hero, and so I bought one. Yeah, it still took quite some time due to some mistakes done, but in the end I had it. I felt like the hero made it all easier. By that time I already had Elemental Stone and all. That time, I was around level 30, from now...hm... 45 I believe. I asked my friend if she wanted to play another game, but she was like. "Nah, you have your hero, now you can do all alone." [Hi, Nelee, if you read that btw.] 

All in all, she was the person I started playing this with, and I'm glad that she told me about it. I had really fun times with this game learning, and hell, I even calculated stuff outta it to maximize, but I yet have to improve sadly.


Gosh, this Text felt so long writing, I sadly don't have any Pictures or anything because my Computer was reset so I lost it... I hope you still enjoyed reading, and I hope you can halfways understand the text. XD 


This was a text from:  

Northrend (Europe)



  • Nevo and SoulSurvivor like this

#9 Cidiaus


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 16 September 2014 - 02:56 PM

Hello All,


My first time getting better at this game was at A-11 on version 6.44 however in 6.45b the base was how I remember it. This game is using astronomer, with a claimed merc alchemist...Im a bit lower due to building extra...However in the beginning that was my strat building regen walls as a stall on the base of the ramp. And also having units on top of the platform in that corner. So I would lean on unit path'ing displacement to ignore armor upgrades and to focus on lumbering,





6.45B with Custom Hero


So Im progressing further but yet still some difficulties in the A-11 base as my hero is doing alot of moving around due it being a alchemist and the main damage dealer, so often times I would have a huge pile of units there but since I got my new hero and I've become so much better that I am amazed at progress and how well my play style as furthered.





To be continued...

  • Nevo and SoulSurvivor like this

#10 Ethaw


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 09 October 2014 - 08:25 AM

Hello everyone !


I'm Ethaw, I discovered FSA 3 weeks ago when my internet connection wasn't stable enough to play online games (who said League of Legends? ^^). At the time, I was looking for any kind of custom maps on warcraft 3 to have fun with in LAN/solo. My first reaction was simple, my brother and I thought, after looking at dozens of custom maps: "oh, nice, finally a good map, we can stop playing X hero siege and sunken city xD !". Since I don't have any screenshots or replay, I made a sample of what my base looked like at the time (we began playing in normal.noair.noinv... and that wasn't easy -_-')




So basically, no knowledge of lvl 6/7 lumber mills, of mechanicians' range allowing you to put repair bots behind the walls, and all the little things that you probably forgot you had to learn (and yeah, I learned about shift+click at that time...). Then I read about some nicely written guides on this forum (especially lumbering) and with my brother we managed to finish the nightmare mode (no air no inv) 4 days ago :D (the screenshot below is from the save where we did it if you wonder why I'm alone in it - I'm not lvl 50 either, seems like a bug when I load the saved game)




I learned a f*cking lot in these 3 weeks: learned about warcraft 3 mechanics as well through FSA (such as shift click, some other hotkeys and things like monsters' aggro priority and attack/armor types), and I currently play more FSA than LoL (and that means a lot ^^).


Nb: My battle.net name is Ethaw (Alex is my name in LAN, the one you can see on the screenshots)

Nb²: English isn't my mother tongue, I hope there aren't too many mistakes

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#11 Marco


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 13 October 2014 - 04:05 PM

Well it all started on a nice summer eve..
It all started with a game in the custom games list in 2009. Fortress Survival. Now I don't simply like any kind of custom games. Only those that require some kind of strategic view or custom heroes. When I firstly started playing, I played with my brother as I still do, actually. It was back when the trojan didn't turned into a big demon. It was also back when walls could only upgrade 10 levels. When the lumber was the only resource that actually got implemented..
Me and my brother would take up the left bottom corner because we found some glitches that'd help us survive. I wasn't even that much impressed by the game as the map was basically still in baby shoes.. I tried to contact daniel (and maddawg at the time) to tell them about these kinds of things in a not so fashionable way (LOL NOOBS!). As time passes, the map got better and actually became playable. It was even worth the effort. The specific coordination between my brother and I kept us alive while we saw our comrades based somewhere else being destroyed one by one. Yes, certainly we were proud we could dominate the world, the fortress that became known as THE fortress of fortress survival..

Now, many years laters, 6 to 7 years, we came to a game were its hard to destroy the many new bosses, new paths to take to protect the builder that still stands! We've tried many strategies but many of them failed as well. Oh the hue manity! Yes the very many colored creeps, in which we were scared of being killed by because our so precious wall got destroyed! If only he had build those repair units SOONER!

Now, today, even now we struggle with those repair units.. When do we build the walls? When the towers? Do we even need bookcases this round?
But most of all, what difficulty shall we play today?

It has been a fun ride and it will continue to be! It's not the warcraft 3 map that lives on! It's the sentimentals of planning and working together, failing and failing to eventually survive and win!

  • Nevo, Niwa and SoulSurvivor like this

#12 Niwa


    Master Suicidalist


Posted 13 October 2014 - 04:57 PM

These stories put me to tears.

Now my mascara is gonna have smears.

This is the best contest ever.

Check this out, I'm so clever.


Yo, I started with 4.80 a few years ago.

And heck, it felt like I was playing slow-mo.

While it was kinda nice,

it didn't have much spice.

I used to suck so to cover that up I trolled and built gigantic halls of stalls.

A.K.A. 999 silver walls.

And then 5.00 and 6.00 came along.

Boy were the new enemies strong.

Now even more micro-intensive than before.

Damn, what a chore.

Since I'm so lazy, now I suck even more.

To cover that up I used my ex-developer power to do the giant Niwa fart.

Trust me, it scared the crap of all the mobs after me, cuz mah fart aint smell like no tart.

Just kidding, I don't have such a superpower.

Instead I stand stiff and I let the monsters devour.

For I am Master Suicidalist.

And today I reminisced.

Well, back to my M.I.A. cave.

I'll visit sometimes and give y'all a wave.

  • Nevo, TheDwarfLard, Baby Michael and 3 others like this

#13 cb1222




Posted 17 October 2014 - 09:47 PM

Hello to all, my ID in game is  code.blue ,


I have been playing Fortress Survival since 4/25/2012 version 4.8. I found this game when I was exploring new maps after I lost my faith and interest in Dota and Sanguo on WC3. For my very first game, I built some walls and random towers, and I got killed right after the mobs came out since I didn't know I had to upgrade my walls. My first impression to this game was great as it had gotten my attention that I wanted to finish a whole game for at least once. I didn't ask other people how to play, and often times I would just stay and observe how other people play this game. However, that was after I attempted to figure out this game by myself. I finished/survived my very first game under easy mode by mimicking other player when 5.0 came out. And I put this game on my list of expectation after knowing that this game keeps updating. I didn't really play that much ... like 10~20 games monthly until 6.45 came out that I finally figured out how to save and load. I would say that I am a huge fan of this game as evidence by I leveled from rank 1 to 49 in the last 2 months.


The most remarkable changes I had were when I saw how people build lv 6 and lv 7 lumber mills, and the repair unit for lv 7 doesn't need to be completed. I have tried different ways to build lumber mills to increase production rate, and I decided to do 6 lumber mills at a time (picture 1). Before 6.45 was released, I would select Rocketeer hero, count the times that the mobs would appear at the center of the map, and use Nuclear Strike to kill them in order to boost my production rate. And I had never survived mad and impossible mode before 6.45. I have tried all the bases, and the base on the left of security room had been my favorite. I changed my lumbering habit from 6 at a time to 8 mills since 6.42 by building a repair unit in the middle and surrounded by repair factories (picture 2). I experienced and adjusted the priority to build different things from game to game. And now I can have at least 70K production at Trojan. I can finish nightmare/noair/invis mode by myself after 2 months of intense playing experiences. I had fun to explore the details to improve as I was mastering the game. Overall, I would say that I have learned a lot from watching replays, and I miss the team players who helped me to get my elemental stone and virus. I have failed gem runs for more than 10 times, and I still feel like it's nearly impossible to kill eternia in 6.45.


Often, I would teach new players how to play this game, and I would recommend them to watch replay at least once to get some general ideas about the game for I think it's the most efficient way of explaining. I would support this game by being nice to all the players in the hope that more player would stay and play with me. I have fun playing this game.


Thanks for all the staff and players with good netiquette and behaviors.


code.blue (East)


WC3ScrnShot_101714_195610_07.JPEG WC3ScrnShot_101714_202146_08.JPEG

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#14 Murttraz


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 17 October 2014 - 11:02 PM

    Username: Murttraz

    Server: US East 

     Ah, I remember my first times playing that game when i was a lot younger my brother and I loved to play the hit game "Warcraft III". We would always play it and just have lots of fun trolling and getting good at games like Island Defense and just actually Tournament mode. But, one day when my brother and I were scrolling through list after list of games we came across one certain time of game named "Fortress Survival". So, being very curious we joined and were greeted by fellow members of the game. When we started up we were very confused that all we saw was just a large map which what seemed to have a lot of small little base like spaces. So, we just wandered around and around to see what really everything was. The person who had made the game had told us we need to go find a "base" so we went to a little area where it was a one way opening and just started to build anything we had thought looked cool the entire base was covered with flame turrets and walls and really anything that we could build but little did we know the monsters were coming. What we had saw was a large zerg of just tiny little monsters that came and ended up killing us. We laughed and were very intrigued by the game and we decided to check it out more.

     So, every day when we would get home we would go straight to Warcraft III and would play "Fortress Survival". We evolved tactics like we would go to one certain base only and when we build the walls build repair factorys instead of engineers and would just spam repair bots immediately. Over weeks of playing in Local Host and Online we had gotten so much better and on one day when we had gotten home and of course immediately gotten onto Fortress Survival we had actually made it to Trojan! With our base it seemed it really was just great for dealing with him. We had full walls and repair bots with repair factorys, we had Flame Turrets and Gravity Towers covering the entire inside of the base, and had lumber mills stacked all over the back part of the base. Finally, after weeks and weeks we had gotten to kill The TROJAN! It was just such a great feeling and it had just made a awesome game for us.

     But, with weeks and months and all the new updates me and my brother had really just stopped playing the game. We had perfected it and well, sort of got to the best of our ability's in the game! So over time my brother moved onto a game you might all know "World of Warcraft" and really with time we had stopped playing it entirely. We moved onto games that we felt better at the time and one day I had just been bored as i finished my raids for the week and felt I should go revisit "Warcraft III" and to my surprise people were STILL PLAYING "Fortress Survival"! This was just such an amazing feeling as it brought back so many memorys of my brother and I playing for hours on end. So, I had decided to join the game and was shocked to see the entire lobby filled with players that seemed to be 10 times better than me as they had been talking about strategys and just a lot of crazy things that I really couldn't catch onto. So, when we entered the game I was in complete shock the entire base I had always used and loved was changed! It had then been a 2 opening base. This made me very sad as it showed that the game has really changed. So, I tried to go to a different base and see if what i could do would still win me games. But as I looked around I saw everyone building so differently then me. They had made a large ring around their lumber factorys, large areas of walls that were used for stalling I assumed, and much more, and also what really surprised me the most were the heros and the tiny, tiny little lumber mills that were put in large chunks and after building for quite a bit they morphed into a giant large lumber mill. Of course by that time I had already died and was just spectating but when one of the builders came and picked up an item named "Pinks Soul" which was confusing me as I was pink! he brought it to his large base and when he clicked it I came back as a little tiny golem! This shocked me and it was just so cool that they gave a second chance to the players. So, really all i had done was just like in the old days I played online and just watched people play and I ended up developing my own sort of strategys and even ended up finding my own little base! 

      And after playing and playing I was playing with a large group of people that seemed to be different... Their little people weren't survivors! One of them was named "TheFilthyRat" (I hope i got it right i haven't played with him in a while) and it seemed that he was in the shape of a rat. This really was cool to me and I didn't even know but it seemed he was like a pro! he would have 2 times as much stuff as I had in literally half the game! and he and a couple of others guided me through the hardest mode to kill some boss I hadn't heard of named "Eternia" the mode was Impossible Air and Invis! This quite scared me as i couldn't even last in normal that well as I was still nooby as I had always been. But, these people were a lot better and we ended up making it to "Eternia" and this was just great. When we finally had killed the boss I was awarded with an item called "Eternal Stone" or something everyone was so excited as they had also all got the item and it was just a great day for everyone. I learned that beating certain modes you would get items and this was just great. I had gotten the Trojans Roar and the Wings over time and really just kept getting better. And, even today I still am getting better as I have just came back for a long break for games like "Diablo" and now I've came back and I plan to keep playing and try to get better again. So even now its just been a great experience over the time I've played this game and I plan to keep making memorys of this game and it really is just great! 

Edited by Murttraz, 17 October 2014 - 11:08 PM.

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#15 Sieghart93


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 19 October 2014 - 11:20 PM

Lets see.... my first experience starts from 4.20 few years ago where theres no single lane bases.. and everywhere is 2 lanes/doors... well on this time.. the wood required was maybe... just around hundreds.. totally unimaginable if compare with the latest version...

The next time i see it was 4.60, theres little single door base...  trojan can be bash by stone towers..  there must be air  and invi... but ooo well.. manageable and easily winning..... but when i killed the trojan 1st time was wtf ? thou..... that kamikaze nuke effect...
But the funniest part is still.... summoning paratroopers and let them kill the trojan ~~~~ from times to times solo or with some friends.... screwing around by simply running to the top left or right corner.... with arrow towers w/o walls and simply keep spamming paratroopers...

Then.... few month ago.. after a long time not playing... 6.42 appeared in my face.... when i 1st play it was... wtf? ...... whats tat whats tat..... how did the mills turn small...... etc etc.. so much new stuffs..
Taught by various peoples... copying any interesting or useful patterns and methods i saw then slowly changes to my own ways....
When i knows about the elemental stones and Eternia.... tried to challenge it with a friend... but failed patheticly .... we doesnt know the correct methods... and tried to challenge it with only tons of AA turrets..  and of course.. everything is blast by the breath of fire..

The best parts are still the Hero .....  tons of possibility can be create with it... by feeding the hero with tons of drugss (tome)... everyone can solo-ing bosses and like a boss..even trojan and as far as i know... the only method to kill Eternia is only with a full pumped hero..

Then again.. aside from that.. the pocket walls with Second Chance upraded ..... it was fun playing with it..  rather then focusing on a single walls.. using regen keys... i prefered on spamming pocket walls .... and glitch it when possible..... (this is the very same method i still use to play on the latest version where the commando is nerfed hard ..)

I suppose its the exploration of new stuffs which makes me continue playing that longs.. even close on maxing level.. now i kept on changing new base to test the extends of each of them...

PS: The pictures are for illustration purposes @ please do not mind the small details ~

But can anyone tells me what's the text *para atk* for on 4.60..


4.20.jpg  4.60 (2).jpg  4.60 (3).jpg  4.60 (4).jpg  


4.60 para atk.jpg  4.60.jpg  6.42 hero.jpg  6.42.jpg

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#16 sentinel_owning


    Private 2


Posted 21 October 2014 - 05:48 AM

        Well, I remember the day when I played Fortress Survival for the first time. The version was 5.00. I was really bored that time because I have nothing to play since no one creating besides LoD, Vampirism, FvH, and other popular maps. Then one of my known friend in the room ( Garena Room) created this game. I joined and the game was played with full house but only in the mode of very easy. Of course it was really fun since I love games with defense/survival theme with unique idea unlike in FvH and Vampirism.


        I based in the bottom left corner of the map. The base was really small and the walls must be in diagonal formation (If you remember). But I don't know how to play. I just build many barricades (about 10 barricades) randomly in my entrance and also towers. Some players noticed that I was new and comment about me "He is really a noob right?""No, it is because this is his the first time playing this" comments. Then the monsters spawned. After few minutes, some monsters are now in my entrance. Well, I killed them easily since i have towers. Few minutes again, there are now many monsters in my entrance. My barricades was destroyed easily since I don't know that it was really weak (I think it was Level 4 Barricade only) and I don't know also that the upgrade is free. I don't know also that there was the skill to switch the building to build lumber mills and repair units. So my base was wrecked into ruins( Not even 5 minutes). I watch other players how they play since i was dead at that time. Some players using energy walls with repair units and bots behind the walls. Some players cooperatively play that one players build towers, walls, etc., while the other build lumber mills. Also that time, players have chain bases. After few minutes, the pigs wrecked their bases resulting the game to end. What a waste.

        After some games, I learned some tactics to survive longer in the game. Using a factory to speed up construction of lumber mills , making barricades to protect the marine outside, barricading Lt. Rikimaru and Lt. Barathrum with Silver Walls, upgrading wall armors, and most of all is to cooperate with other players. We always win the hardest mode (I forgot, is there nightmare more in that time?). But I stopped playing for one year. How sad.


        A year have passed and now the latest version is 6.00. It's been a while since I played this game again. Many players was playing this game. Really a popular map that surpass LoD and other maps in the room. I played with many pro players in many games. Yes, I remember them all and I am now crying. We even used garena talk to defeat nightmare mode without walls. It was full house with all of my friends and we all basing in the summer cottage since it was really large at that time and only needed 6 walls. It was really fun. Many tactics was discovered in this version, like using many factories to fasten up building of lumber mills and etc. I even watched replays uploaded in this site. The first replay I watched is the playing of englocked soloing nightmare mode without walls. I learned many things with this replays.

       I still playing Fortress Survival. To summary up, I learned many different things from the first time playing this game. It also evolved me as a player not only in this map or game but also in other defense/survival game. I think I should end this very long post. Thank you for reading. Btw, my IGN is sentinel_owning

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#17 AlreadyDead


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 21 October 2014 - 09:38 PM

Fortress Survival Alpha! 4.8            

Some odd-years ago I happened across this map and played it a few times solo, was blown away at the radical changes to gameplay from traditional warcraft 3 melee/tower defense maps.  The goal is to survive this continuous onslaught of aliens invading the fortress by basing with walls/towers all while building lumber mills for resources to upgrade your buildings.


After many failed attempts I’d play single-player and cheat it [leafittome 999999] so I could save Mr. Shinkel and Boberto and actually make it to the end.   I eventually recruited a buddy of mine to play FSA and we’d try to team base in the bot left corner, which was way different than what it is in current versions, and with just a little bit of team-work we made it a lot farther in the map then ever before…

I did find a way to solo at the 1 wall base (it was the only 1 wall base at the time), which had this windy special effect and war drums playing which added to the drama of trying to stay alive.

Huge Stall:



Lumbering was much more difficult, you’d have to cancel the lumber to upgrade it and level 4 was the highest mill available, no gold mines, no bookshelves, no Hero’s, no alchemists.

Building Mills FSA 4.8 style:


Replay: Attached File  FSA 48 VeryEasy-NoAir-NoInvis Solo.zip   249.58KB   502 downloads

Edited by AlreadyDead, 23 October 2014 - 01:32 PM.

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#18 mv1990


    Staff Sergeant


Posted 23 October 2014 - 12:40 PM

Hi all, this is " miavita " from the East,


I'm quite new to this game, and just figured out how to save and load. However, I do remember playing this game before, and I still like this game a lot when I come back from other games and school works. I don't remember how my first game was like, but I can prove that I loved this game by created a post with replay to try to introduce the game to my friends and Chinese speaking players in June, 2012. http://forum.garena....d.php?t=3414309 . I played 5.20 before, and I simply copied what others were doing and survived after a few games.


Also, there's not much I can tell about how I advanced my skills for this game, and I think it's not too hard to learn with old players willing to teach me. I enjoyed trying different way to survive the game and have never gotten an elemental stone before, I reached to eternia with other players a few times but lost from eternia's chaos splash attacks. I would be happy to see a 6.45 version replay for a gem run, but I couldn't find it. I'm working on my level to try new heros, and I can solo impossible from mastering tinker hero and alchemist hero a few days ago.


It has been less then a month that I leveled from rank 1 to 46, I have killed Eternia for about 8 times already, and I didn't use the Trojan roar item bug 3 out of 8 times. I figured that 130 K lumber production is enough if you upgrade the walls fast enough that help tank the damage. Nevertheless, I have evolved from asked someone to help me get wings from nightmare mode to I can help people get elemental stones now.


I love this game for the requirement of intense teamwork to accomplish the hardest mode if you don't have an elemental stone. And there's a (positive) cycle of being rewarded for accomplishment, the increase will to experience new items and hero, and wanting more people to share the joy of gaming by helping/teaching new players.

Edited by mv1990, 11 November 2014 - 08:02 PM.

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#19 Wisp2


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 25 October 2014 - 05:07 PM

My first experience on Fortress Survival was on version 4.8 and my Dad and I went to the bottom left corner base. We put down guard towers all along the barrels so the mobs get stuck and I just put random towers where they looked like they were needed. We didn't know how to lumber for like 2 months and even when we got better we had a hard time making it past 20 minutes on the game clock. Some time we played in other parts of the map, but then came newer versions. Now my Dad plays so much better he can get the all 3 level 7 really fast. I don’t play much I like other games but I still try and I really like team bases, you get twice as much income but need a big base and every one needs to know what to do or they are a burden. I changed my tactics now I focus on lumber as fast as I can and I upgrade wall armor so I can survive. I barely build offensive towers; I use Marines and other units as my main offense. They are so much smaller so you get more space and they can move around. I use towers at the end for an extra offense but truthfully I normally die I’m still not very good at all. I can lose in the first 5 min.'s and try to run around messing with creeps, finding secrets, and try to learn how to do better.


  • Waffle(est) and SoulSurvivor like this

#20 jampre02


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 31 October 2014 - 11:02 PM

ID: jampre02



I used single player mode for this event and activated some cheats to save time




Hi all


My first time to play FSA was version 6.42 last June so makes me a newbie. I had no clue how to play this and was trying out  buildings. During this time i had no clue of the switcher menu and just built on what was available.


This is my first base and probably lasted just after centre troops died. 


After dying I was observing the game and was asking around but i was playing with Spanish players so English was a bit limited but learn a lot by observing.


This was the next step base. Tried a one waller to save lumber and just couldn't get pass LT stealer.


This was the time i check out youtube vids and found this forum which really improved my game using the alchemist and higher tier lumbers. This was my first time to finish the whole game because i was playing with pros and was barely attacked at 6.42


The next level base I was really happy since i could finish the game up til impossible soloing. Nightmare was still too much for me but i was really glad felt "PRO-ish" since i could finish the game solo. During this time despite 6.43 and 6.44 was available i still sticked to 6.42 because on one gamer there was a cheater were he could use single player cheats e.g. greedisgood so decided for a more stable version



Current level and at 6.45 is mainly a huge thanks to SoulSurvivor and darkconion, i learned a lot from their strategy but tweaked it a bit and had a lot of good pointers.. Thanks Mates

This time i was able to synchronise my building upgrades and tech upgrades and was playing a lot better. My new set up drastically improved my lumbering as well.




Thanks for reading my entry :P

Edited by jampre02, 31 October 2014 - 11:02 PM.

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