I don't know the exact values but it seems that paratroopers were nerfed way too hard, this can be confirmed by the values from the nerf but I don't see why anyone would want to use commander as a hero in 6.43 with how he is in the beta... Maybe it's not that bad but a lot of people are unhappy with the current state of paratroopers.
Astronomers slow aura ability is overpowered and bosses attack WAY TOO SLOW. The summon inferno ability seems a little unpowered because of how fast it drops off to being useless mid game. Super-nova is overpowered early on and can basically one-shot most of the beginning bosses but it balances out later on.
Tinker should move from being a support hero to being the go to tank in the game, I think his primary stat should be strength and that his tank mode should be stat based, his attack type should be changed to hero damage instead of magic or from whatever it is