I'll keep editing or add replies for new discovery. . .
1.) (same as Devil's Fragment bug) Rainbow staff/elemental staff that the "mirror image(s)" carries has damage. Imagine a unit carries 1 enhanced elemental stone with 5 bonus rainbow staffs, you can have 3 mirror images + 20 stackable devil's fragment, while ~ 3 clone from devil's fragment can present at the same time (1 clone cost 1/20 D's F, last about 120 seconds, CD time about 30 seconds), we can roughly estimate that [~15,000 (enhanced elemental staff) + ~2265 x 5 (not sure exact number, rainbow staff)] x 7 (3 clones from items + 3 mirror images + original unit) ~= 26500 x 7 ~= 185,500 . . . // If you say that it's only in theory, while most people enjoy the ~5,100+ damage from elemental staff and lazy to use devil's fragment, (original hero + 3 clones) x ~5100 ~= 20,400. My point is that, this bug is too op -.-
LastReplay.w3g 23.33KB
3 downloads the replay is for bug 1.)
2.) I got a level 7 lumber mill from another player upon leaving the game while I was upgrading/working on my 3rd level 7 lumber mill. The mill from another player was "dropped on the floor as item and counted in my -wps". /// In previous versions, if a player doesn't have 4 level 7 mills, extra one from other player will be counted as one of your 4 "max level 7 mills", and you won't be allowed to build 5th one. The bug is, the bonus -wps of level 7 mill from other players should only pass to me when I already have 4 level 7 mills before other players leave the game. . . If my words don't make sense to the readers, just see the attached replay at around 22:00 ~ 21:40 remaining time.
LastReplay.w3g 616.24KB
1 downloads the replay is for bug 2.)
Edited by mv1990, 16 April 2016 - 12:54 AM.