I feel bad... but I really want to make it clear, and here's my thought:
Nevo said: repair time ratio = how fast a builder can repair damaged unit.
@Kexi, what you said make sense, only if the number is just an example, not directly from the game display where Custom builder has build rate/repair time ratio of 1.0 (not 1.1), and regular builder has build rate of 1.1 (not 1.0) So, for a custom builder, if 1.0 = total amount of time spend, then 1.0 is faster than 1.1 of regular builder. However, if we apply 1.0 rate of custom builder in your equation/formula as part of denominator that you think custom builder actually has 1.1 instead of 1.0 rate which doesn't make sense to me if the rates are literally the building speed (greater the faster, not time) . . . Either it's a description typo that custom builder should have 1.1 instead of 1.0 that's shown on my screen..., or it has another formula besides yours. (not picky about formula, but really want to understand the correct definition that make sense to me)
Also, I'm glad that Nevo and Kexi replied, but the "% rate efficiency" is still unclear. Let's say that if the rate description are typo that "build rate of 1.1 (currently the description of regular builder) SHOULD be the rate of custom build and FASTER than 1.0 (currently the description of custom builder) of regular builder instead of total amount of time needed to repair/construct a building", it would make sense to Kexi's formula. % rate efficiency should not be a question that the higher the faster where that was the only description we knew in previous versions for all repair unit/building; however, the description of custom builder only has 25% efficiency whereas regular builder has 27% ? . . . . . (that's why in my original post I mentioned/questioned if the build rate of 1.0/1.1 was total amount of time to finish a building process instead of actual build speed that the bigger the faster; and if that's the case, Kexi's formula is not correct)
(in-game data) custom builder has rate: 25% efficiency, power build of 0.6, repair time ratio of 1.0
custom builder 1.jpg 128.17KB
custom builder 2.jpg 129.58KB
regular builder has rate: 27% efficiency, power build of 0.6, repair time ratio of 1.1
regular builder.jpg 125.75KB
repair factories has rate: 33% efficiency, power build of 0.5, repair time ratio of 3
repair factory.jpg 134.68KB
Advanced factories has rate: 50% efficiency, power build of 0.6, (forgot about repair time, neither do I think anyone would use this to repair walls)
repair units (level 1) has rate: 33% efficiency, power build of 0.55, repair time ratio of 3
repair units (level 2) has rate: 40% efficiency, power build of 0.60, repair time ratio of 2.5
repair units (level 7) has rate: 100% efficiency, power build of 0.90, repair time ratio of 1.0
So, we don't compare building speed among different unit/building just on efficiency, but we should be able to compare efficiency among same type of units. For example: 40% efficiency of level 2 Repair Unit is > 33% efficiency of level 1 Repair Unit. Otherwise, the only difference between level 1 Repair Unit and Repair Factory is the power build, while they both have 33% efficiency and same repair rate (for damage building), and level 1 Repair Unit > Normal Repair Factory based on powerbuild (toward construction time of new building).
Question: does 25% efficiency of custom builder and 27% efficiency of regular builder really matter?... They have same build rate, and custom builder has faster repair rate, but.. custom builder has lower efficiency?
Power build:
= Building speed, not Repair speed. Custom Builder = Regular Builder. The only difference is repair time ratio toward damaged building, not construction time of new building.
Repair time ratio:
Amount of time needed to repair a damaged building.
We all applied the wrong data to formula and had misinterpretation about repair time ratio (when in the previous versions we only had statistics about "build rate" instead of repair time ratio on builders). Custom builder and Regular builder have same building speed, and Custom builder have greater repair speed... So, if we make suggestion in other part of forum about possible rank bonus for build speed, build speed is based on powerbuild, not rapair ratio...
Here's the fun part:
Since we know now that powerbuild = build rate...
Thing to point out: in 6.66, ALL the Repair Bots from factories has powerbuild of 0.6; if a player use bots to speed up building process, don't need to upgrade bots.
Mechanics from Military base no longer has powerbuild, it has powerbuild of 0, repair ratio of 5.0 It has been proven that powerbuild of 0 doesn't help with building speed at all. . . so Tinker also cannot build in 6.65/6.66 (well, they can help you build with 0 effort, like some of your f**king coworker that may not even provide real emotional or psychological help)
Constructed Repair Bot in Mail room has powerbuild of 0.9 (equivalent to legendary repair unit which also has 100% efficiency), and repair ratio of 1
Which lumber setup is faster and more efficient? .... bottom left or bottom right?
WC3ScrnShot_030616_155555_02.jpg 143.28KB
bottom left (with alternative):
8 level 1 repair units + 3 repair factories + any builder to a lumber mill = 8 x 0.55 + 3 x 0.5 + 0.6 = 4.4 + 1.5 + 0.6 = 6.5 ; 35 / 6.5 =~5.38
8 level 1 repair units + 2 repair factories + 1 advanced repair factory + any builder = 4.4 +1 + 0.6 + 0.6 = 6.6 ; 35 / 6.6 =~5.3 seconds(time to build a mill)
8 level 8 repair units + 2 repair factories + 1 advanced repair factory + builder = 8 x 1 + 2 x 0.5 + 0.6 + 0.6 = 10.2 ; 35 / 10.2 =~3.43
8 level 8 repair units + 3 advanced repair factories + builder = 8 + 3 x 0.6 + 0.6 = 10.4 ; 35 / 10.4 =~3.37
Cannot forget The Ultimate, although it's not possible in small base, nor wise to play alone in bigger base. We add 2 extra advanced repair factories at bottom: 8 level 8 repair units + 4 advanced repair factories + builder = 8 + 4 x 0.6 + 0.6 = 11 ; 35 / 11 =~3.18 (fastest setup I can think of at the moment)
bottom right (with alternative):
9 level 1 repair units + 1 repair factory + builder = 9 x 0.55 + 0.5 + 0.6 = 4.95 + 1.1 = 6.05 ; 35 / 6.05 =~5.79
9 level 8 repair units + 1 advance repair + builder = 9 x 1 + 0.6 + 0.6 = 10.2 ; 35 / 10.2 =~3.43 (same to those have 1 advance repair factory as start item without Tinker hero)
The True Ultimate (that's not practical/possible to use/utilize to its maximum efficiency with "think or lag time" in consideration): 8 level 8 + 4 advanced repair factories + builder + constructed repair bot from Mail room . . . 11 + 0.9 = 11.9 ; 35/ 11.9 =~2.94 /////// 2.94~3.18 (the ultimate speed)
Edited by mv1990, 06 March 2016 - 06:10 PM.