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#1 AlreadyDead


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 14 February 2016 - 01:31 AM

So basically, theres all these quests now all over the map, once accepted becomes

a quest item in the game quests.  So player A accepts boberto quest, but

before the quest if completed/failed leaves the game.  Now all player owned units

transfer control to another player....   Then when the quest fails (unsure abt complete)

results in immediate crash.


I could pick n guess and say but meh.  I can crash this game like everytime just accept a quest

and leave the game... when the quest units die will result in immediate FATAL...


This actually happened like 5 games before i realized what exactly is the deal...

er  I mean to say is this happens ALOT in current verion ent games   <sadness> :(

Edited by AlreadyDead, 14 February 2016 - 01:35 AM.

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