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Negative xp (rank 37, exp -431)

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#1 BloodLover



Posted 30 January 2016 - 06:53 AM

Hello, i was playing ten hours ago with two friends (vvolv and sapinwapiti), and vvolv experienced a desync. After that, I started to gain +1 XP, -1 XP, +1 XP, -1 XP, and after a few seconds, I lvlup from rank 31 exp 40 to rank 37 exp -431. SapinWapiti is also affected by the negative xp, and lvlup from 45 to 47 exp -251 (if I remember correctly).

I give you the replay of the game, and the screenshot of my saves. You can see that i continue to xp and atm, i'm rank 37 exp -342.

edit: It was on 6.60, and as usual, english is not my native language, just ask if you don't understand something.

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