So, ~2 out of 10 games I have played on has the "explosion" bug where "some of the..." repair units, repair factories, repair bots, damage aura statue, command center, item shop, mercenary HQ... exploded suddenly. Sometimes, only the repair units and repair bots were destroyed. And seems like the bug would affect all the players in same games if it occurs.
The old explosion bug was that everything was destroyed just like if players don't kill final bosses on time. The new explosion bug only affects part of the buildings/units.
I have mentioned this in EK2's fatal error thread, and I don't know if it has been fixed, in 6.64, energy walls would explode near the beginning by chance, not that often though...I have only encounter this bug twice out of ~30 games in 6.64.
Now I have realized what people were talking about Tinker hero, like LIOS's thread..., and I have a replay to support him.
LastReplay.w3g 580.42KB
2 downloads ---> look at RED's base
So now it cannot build anything, not just lumber mills..., if it has been changed on purpose that Tinker cannot build, the building/hammer icon should also be removed, otherwise, it's a bug.
Unfortunately, I forgot to save replay/screenshots to support the explosion bug; however, I'll edit this post if needed.