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Endless waves spawn

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#1 mv1990


    Staff Sergeant


Posted 12 November 2015 - 01:25 PM

I'm not sure if it's a bug or not. Most of players know that we are able to kill our builders to stop endless waves from spawning when we try to kill Eternia with the help of Fortress Survivor/Helicopter/Rescue Team and to focus on killing Eternia, and the requirement for doing so is to kill "all the builders/survivors" on the map.


I was playing endless waves and I asked other player to cede me bunker with hero and builder in it before they leave, and I ended up owning two hero and builders. Somehow, my "original builder got killed" and the endless waves stopped spawning while "the builder from another player was still alive".

I ruled out the "auto-kill structure bug" because only 1 out of my 3 bases were destroyed and my heroes were still alive. It is easy to test and confirm with the cooperation of another player.


The scenario is so obvious and I don't think posting screenshot or replay would help...It is a torture to see a 6~13 hours replay and take a new screen shot since I fell asleep after around 440 waves and woke up at 9xx waves. I figured this bug out from the expectation for my WC3 to crash/run out of resource normally around 71x waves.


Also, small books of knowledge that cost 250 lumber doesn't work after hero consumption of 1500 books as the screen shows "your hero is not alive"... Since we can buy up to 3000 books now, I would suggest we extend the limit of books of knowledge that cost 250 lumber, too.


I have noticed that if you put a "unit without full item slots" in a bunker before you do the research to increase item slots, the research wouldn't have effect on the units inside the bunker...and this sets some limits for the fun of endless waves for player with custom melee hero with vamp aura.

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Edited by mv1990, 19 November 2015 - 09:32 PM.

#2 Waffle(est)


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 03 December 2015 - 11:24 AM

most of the maps triggers assume there only exists 1 builder for a player ever, it's not surprising that strange things happen when this assumption is violated.


the easiest fix would be to make -cede and -kill empty any bunkers of un-cedeable units before the command takes its usual effect. unfortunately i dont rly have time for much dev atm (tho it should be a nice lil thing to work on as an intro to vjass if any other devs are interested enough)

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