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6.53 Lumber Production

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#1 mv1990


    Staff Sergeant


Posted 21 August 2015 - 03:28 AM

The actual lumber production can be a mess after you received leftovers from your allies after they left.

1 level 4 mill = 0.25 wps

1 level 5 mill = 1.1 wps

1 level 7 mill = 11 wps


The scenario is, I fell asleep during endless waves, when I woke up, my builder was my only unit alive (if you use wings and fly to walls behind the neutral shop "forge master", even the demonic tanks wouldn't attack the builder). So I picked up the level 7 mills on the ground from the Harbor after my allies left and rebuilt in the Bear Cave.


As in the last picture, I had 4 level 7, 2 level 5, 14 level 4 mills, so 44 + 2.2 + 3.5 = 49.7, but it shows 115.7 ?...even when all other buildings were destroyed long time ago.


But if you test in single player, or you don't get any leftovers from your ally, you still have normal lumber production rate.


p.s. I surf the old posts titled with the key word "lumber" but didn't find any similiar problem other than the mysterious lumber disappeared one. Please delete this post if it's an old bug.

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#2 mv1990


    Staff Sergeant


Posted 21 August 2015 - 08:36 AM

Here's another game...I stopped lumbering not long after the final boss.


I originally had 58 level 5 mills, 1 level 4, 4 level 7,

58 x 1.1 + 1 x 0.25 + 4 x 11 = 63.8 + 0.25 + 44 = 108.05


When another left, I got a few level 1 through 7 from him/her, and collectively arranged those to 19 level 5 mills and 1 level 4,

19 x 1.1 + 0.25 = 21.15


108.05 + 21.15 = 129.2, but my wps went up from 108.05 to about 150 even before I upgrade the leftover lumber mills he automatically gave me (I should have less than 129.2 at that time).


When the third player left me, my lumber mill production went from about 150 to 196.8 while he only gave me 1 level 5 mill and 2 level 4.


. . . . . . I have learned it the hard way . . . lol, I just figured that I still had 66 wps when I killed all of my lumber mills, which I assume that those came from the 6 level 7 lumber mills as leftovers even though they appeared to be items on the ground, and those items (level 7 mills) can still be used by other players.


Clearly, the bug is extra lumber mill production without the actual building based on the amount of level 7 lumber mills other players have before they leave. And the only concern is you don't need any effort to protect other base to get the constant bonus lumber production, and anyone else can use those lvl 7 mills on the ground as items.

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