I've talked to a few players over the past months, and some feel like people don't post replays anymore.
So I've decided to make this thread.
The purpose is to post your replays, of cool games. Games that you beated eternia and such.
That way, new players will have this post to look into, if they want to know/learn different tactics of their own.
Or simply, enjoy watch it
The only thing I ask is that, if you going to post a replay, try to post from a final version of the map( 6.45 forward plz ).
There's too much different betas, and it would be hard to find the one used to watch the replay.
This replay is a little old, it was done on 6.45, but it's still worth watching I think.
It was me, TheDwarfLard and Cidiaus.
We did a 2 entrances base and killed eternia.
I will be uploading new replays to this thread. Anyone who feels like doing it, you are welcome
Videos of the replays, easier way to watch them. Go in that channel. https://www.youtube....wvfQU8PvS0o0Png
2 Entrances Eternia.w3g 776.52KB