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Bugs ON Beta

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#1 AzZ


    The Legendary.


Posted 30 September 2014 - 11:35 AM

So, I have noticed some weird bugs.

The 1st one was that now it seems to be a short load before you can move your survivor. On that load, I couldnt move my survivor, but other players could, and one of them got killed right after the game started, one creep followed him and attacked.


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2sd is, another player got his walls destroyed with One hit.


3rd is that same human got his command center destroyed out of nowhere.


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4th his human just died out of thin air.


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Attached the replays so you guys can have a better idea.


The holy blessing and the repair keys of the hidden boxes are not supposed to be salable now? I've tried and you cant sell it.


I dont know if those are bugs, But I will mention it anyway.


Once the lvl 4 mills finish, they auto transform into lvl 5, but then it drops on the ground as an item.

lvl 7 mills needs the repair factory/bot to be completely build, or it won't transform. Once it transforms, it also drops as an item on the ground, you then have to place it on a space of 3x3 buildings. After that you can shrink it again and then it will be a 2x2 building

Also, the repair factories and repair bots were not automatically helping to build the mills, constantly I had to click on them and click it to help build the mills


The are trans covers a big area when it reaches the max lvl. But when I used it to trans only 4 mills, even it being inside the range, it didn't transmuted all the mills.


Attached File  Replay_2014_09_30_1303.w3g   123.98KB   3 downloads

  • Nevo likes this

#2 jinsou420


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 30 September 2014 - 12:45 PM

where do i play the beta :P?

#3 AzZ


    The Legendary.


Posted 30 September 2014 - 12:55 PM

Ask it for admins, on the skype chat, and one of them will give it to you

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#4 jinsou420


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 30 September 2014 - 01:01 PM

happy happy ;)

#5 Nythra


    Dedicated Survivor

Posted 30 September 2014 - 03:23 PM

Are you sure you guys didnt have invis on?


I posted in the changelog part but this place makes more sense so here:


dunno where you want bugs for the beta so ill drop some here:


I used scientist hero. I had cursed larceny, the elemental blasting staff and wings. I tried to buy electric fist and i couldnt do it. Got the message saying I couldnt have more than one of these. 


You cant upgrade marines to the maximum food limit. end up with one t2 marine because u need the full 10 food space to upgrade. so 295/300 food is limit. 


That's all the bugs i got so far. 


Something I found awesome:


SUPER MARINES: I hope this isnt a bug, larcenys now work on marines. god tier marine power.


Thanks for all ur hard work!

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#6 jinsou420


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 30 September 2014 - 11:10 PM

1 more thing ... you can attack fortress defenders now,since i played alone don't know if you can attack allied forces aswell like other players 

1 of my walls got destroyed out of nowhere

2 stealer  keeps shooting fire while i hex him or stun him

first waves of invisible units sometimes popup behind the walls

also you have to be on misc stuff to sell the keys and mana pots if its other menu  you can't sell them

Edited by jinsou420, 04 October 2014 - 05:35 AM.

#7 BlueBerryMuffin


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 02 October 2014 - 05:17 PM

Just reiterating some bugs I found.


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Spots blocked off but still reachable so it becomes a safe spot to kill.


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Here it is just a quality of life change. For the first one there is a spot that you can blink into but it isn't a safe spot becuase 1x1 monsters can still hit you, but I think you should fill it in. For the second one put one If you could block of those spots so it is flush with the rest of the terrain and under the builder as well so it is a straight 6 spaces wide that would be great.


The Heavy Marine will not get the inventory upgrade if it is upgraded to Heavy Marine after the inventory upgrade. 


If you max Enhanced Weaponry, in the Team upgrade section of the Command Center, before maxing Team Nukes, also from the team upgrade section of the Command Center, then the Team Nukes will disappear and not allow you to upgrade them further. 


Arrow Storm Tower should have the same projectile speed on the targeted unit and the multi-shot targets. At the moment the targeted unit gets attacked by a very slow projectile while the multi-shot projectiles are faster.


The Lt. x units should get unit upgrades as well but at the moment they don't.


I think Firebats from claimed bases should be buffed. At the moment they only deal ~110 damage when fully upgraded while the other units get 300+. Firebats have the least amount of range and they also deal piercing attack not chaos damage like a normal Firebat. They also attack at the same rate if not lower than a marine which is double the firebat's damage.


Waterfall Protector is missing. I looked at it from the start and I don't think it ever spawned.


If you have a custom hero then you can summon a regular hero from Command Center.


The Secret Health Stone drop is 100%. But Nevo said it is suppose to be 20%. Never mind I didn't get it on the 4th try.


Malignant Virus doesn't give Benign Virus to builder

  • Nevo likes this

#8 AzZ


    The Legendary.


Posted 04 October 2014 - 04:15 AM

Using the 5x5 set of factories with one bot on the center. If you use the are transmute with the bot in the exact center of the transmure circle, it wont transmute the mills and will use up mana.

I dont know if its a bug, but never happened with me on 6.45

#9 Marco


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 04 October 2014 - 06:48 AM

Solved most of these bugs just now. Also, AzZ, its not really a bug, a parameter is more like it. I've increased the parameter (range) in the script so it should match the proper range now. @BlueBerryMuffin :  I don't know about malignant virus giving benign virus as benign virus gives less stats bonus as malignant. Also, virus effects do not stack in principle, so why bother getting them? As for not getting any virus, perhaps the virus conditions have been changed?

@Jinsou420 : I couldn't reproduce the same conditions in which anyone's wall or unit got destroyed out of nowhere. However, I took a look at the script and changed some things that might have caused it. In my latest online test I have not seen anything of the sort happening again.
Its pretty much impossible for units to pop up behind your walls since they spawn from portals. At best, (but unlikely) they are spawned units from the enemy and the pathing blocking due many enemies puts them in the only available spot available (which would make inside your base).

  • Nevo likes this

#10 jinsou420


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 05 October 2014 - 02:30 AM

happend again today 1 of the bosses 1 hitted my wall

#11 TheDwarfLard


    Praise the Sun!


Posted 05 October 2014 - 09:02 AM

@BlueBerryMuffin :  I don't know about malignant virus giving benign virus as benign virus gives less stats bonus as malignant. Also, virus effects do not stack in principle, so why bother getting them? As for not getting any virus, perhaps the virus conditions have been changed?


Most of us use malignant virus, as well as benign later on, to have as many units affected by it towards the end of the game. While benign doesn't do as much as malignant, it still makes a difference and can be made useful.

  • jinsou420 likes this

#12 Marco


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 06 October 2014 - 10:33 AM

happend again today 1 of the bosses 1 hitted my wall

Do you have a replay?

#13 AzZ


    The Legendary.


Posted 06 October 2014 - 03:37 PM

On the latest version, when you click to make a hero, it doesnt train it. and all the heros become gray. happened with more than one player


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#14 BlueBerryMuffin


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 06 October 2014 - 09:53 PM

Bugs from 10/6 version

Half the Firebats on the map are the merc tent version and half are the old version not sure if that is intended.


The phrase to summon my hero isn't working.


The pirates in the bottom left corner doesn't get unit upgrades. Not sure if intended.


Sgt Palmer doesn't have unit upgrades. The guy in yellow in The Torture Chamber.


From Previous Beta:


Heavy Marines don't get 6 slots if created after upgrades.

#15 jinsou420


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 07 October 2014 - 12:16 AM

Do you have a reply?

it happend so fast and i didn't notice it until they killed me,today i play 2-3 games and i see if it happens,normally it happens when stealer arrives


i will make a replay today if it happens again 

editing 2 more strange stuff my hero died out of nowhere .... i put a replay with 2 more bugs about units disappearing and something strange about base claim

#16 GildartsC




Posted 07 October 2014 - 08:02 AM

Hello i found two bugs one is when you pick up a gold mine with alch and place it  it gets destroyed second is that alch doesnt pick up lumber mills somtimes when u use it

#17 AzZ


    The Legendary.


Posted 20 October 2014 - 08:23 AM

That's not exactly a bug, but I think its worth mentioning.

As you can see on the prints, my hero almost died on the intro.

I think you guys should add some protections. It didnt happened with my survivor yet, but that happened twice with my hero today.



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Also, since I didnt saw anyone mentioning it, I will say it here: The healing skill of the doctors is not working.

You can use the skill, but it doesnt heal the buildings.

#18 TheDwarfLard


    Praise the Sun!


Posted 20 October 2014 - 08:53 AM

I haven't seen that happen to any other units at the beginning. My hero and builder are immune at the start for enough time to cover the intro. It might be your hero doesn't get that at the moment.

#19 jinsou420


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 20 October 2014 - 09:03 AM

we cannot exile the npcs from our bases :)  and if you write -exile d  you exile yourself and its not a good thing :P

also  there is a strange situation when your walls are on higher ground and your repair units on lower ground it seems they stop repairing 

and still the summons of alchemist cannot attack air

#20 AzZ


    The Legendary.


Posted 20 October 2014 - 03:41 PM

I haven't seen that happen to any other units at the beginning. My hero and builder are immune at the start for enough time to cover the intro. It might be your hero doesn't get that at the moment.

Could be. Just happened again and now the creep killed my hero -.-

Also, the hero doesnt spawn every time. Some times it just doesnt.

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