So, I have noticed some weird bugs.
The 1st one was that now it seems to be a short load before you can move your survivor. On that load, I couldnt move my survivor, but other players could, and one of them got killed right after the game started, one creep followed him and attacked.
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2sd is, another player got his walls destroyed with One hit.
3rd is that same human got his command center destroyed out of nowhere.
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4th his human just died out of thin air.
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Attached the replays so you guys can have a better idea.
The holy blessing and the repair keys of the hidden boxes are not supposed to be salable now? I've tried and you cant sell it.
I dont know if those are bugs, But I will mention it anyway.
Once the lvl 4 mills finish, they auto transform into lvl 5, but then it drops on the ground as an item.
lvl 7 mills needs the repair factory/bot to be completely build, or it won't transform. Once it transforms, it also drops as an item on the ground, you then have to place it on a space of 3x3 buildings. After that you can shrink it again and then it will be a 2x2 building
Also, the repair factories and repair bots were not automatically helping to build the mills, constantly I had to click on them and click it to help build the mills
The are trans covers a big area when it reaches the max lvl. But when I used it to trans only 4 mills, even it being inside the range, it didn't transmuted all the mills.
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