So when playing solo .. if u want to last long enough without walls u will need a commander hero..
Actually i would say that getting a commander hero is better than building walls ..
1st of all .. in nightmare u will need to upgrade the hp and armor of the walls A lot earlier or else .. u will have troubles keeping the walls up. This Means that u will be needing to Spend wood that can be used on upgrading mills and instead of upgrading the mills .. u will be Upgrading the walls.. thus u will be slowing down or reducing Ur whole game Wood Production.
2ndly .. if u are going to Spend wood on walls and max the walls .. this means your resources are cut to half between upgrading the hero and maxing it and upgrading the walls and maxing them .. So if u are successful to manage that right .. u will be able to Max ur Walls before Trojan easily .. however your hero wont be maxed .. unless u stall for time and do not kill the Trojan / Najort Once they spawn .. but use the 9/10 minutes effectively to the end.. meaning u would be running around in circles making them chase ur hero .. until u are able to produce enough wood to max ur hero.
the trick about the lasting long enough is that u dont summon ur paratroopers before ur level 18 .. cuz at that level when they disappear, u will be able to summon again right away. So i built A lot of Barricades to slow down the creeps a couple of minutes.
You should claim an area that contains an Alchemist.. and start by going ahead and Making mill with human and transmuting etc..
Untill u get yourself the 3 level 7s .. if u buy potions rightaway and u have 0 downtime u should be able to have 3 level 7s mills before the Stealer is there..
however its extremely hard.
1st hard Checkpoint would be .. "Lt Stealer" .. but u can easily own him by geting a blaststaff and or black larceny .. but if u have an elemental stone buying a blaststaff will autocombine into an elemental staff which can easily own the mobs for rest of game. if u are having trouble with Lt Stealer being 2 OP .. Try to Make him chase you around the map for a bit to gain some time ,, if u need an upgrade to be done .. or if u need to gather some wood to buy an item.
u should always consider a base where air comes relatively from 1 direction .. as u wont have time to build anti-air turrents ..
Anyway .. hope this was helpful
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Sorry for the poor english :S
Edited by oufo, 15 September 2013 - 06:44 PM.