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New annoying boss abilities

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#1 erdam


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 10 September 2013 - 04:55 AM

Hi guys,


I was just thinking of an idea which could increase the difficulty of the game and avoiding some abuse from certain strong players.

According to my experience, i have seen some players using overpowered techniques to handle easy fortress survival game, even in the hardest difficulties. Maybe this game is a little unbalanced for these kind of pro players. That's why, i was thinking of new boss abilities which can totally piss off players who abuse. 

For example, some players just don't need to build towers or great defenses. People like jopi29 (from shs clan) can play solo easily on nm/air/invis and do everything like lumbering, pick an offensive hero and defending efficiently without any towers and repairs units for more than 30 minutes ....

Other players don't need to kill units and are just defending their base with walls and repair units most of the time during the game.


To solve this problem and to assure more challenge during fs games, i think it could be funny to put new boss abilities like :


- decay aura or rust aura (check heartstopper aura from necrolyte in dota) : all buildings or/and units lose a percentage of their max health over time. Or maybe an aura which doesn't allow ur repair units to work on walls (why not), or both auras at the same time. 


To solve troubles from this aura, players have to kill this boss fast or their base will be simply destroyed. 



- Global silence (check silencer ultimate in dota) : Stops all enemies on the map (or in an area) from casting spells (and destroy all summoning units when boss appears on the map ...).


The meaning of this aura is to stop all heros and support units to cast spells which can be enough to beat the map alone (whitout towers). Thus, commander heros and snipers will be totally fucked up with this boss inside the map and no more marines spamming . Moreover, all players on the map must cooperate to kill the boss who have this abilty very fast as alchemists too will be fucked (no more lumber ^^). Finally, the meaning of destroying all summoning units when boss appears on the map is to avoid all marines summons just before the global silence effect...



- Summoning spell (check icewind dale dragon's eye level 4 lol...) : Put an unmoving boss at a random defined place inside the map who is summoning extra creeps. This boss can be defended by his own minions and he summons stronger creeps over time (like endless waves).


The meaning of this ability is to force players heros to go fast outside their base to kill this boss as summoned creeps becoming stronger over time. Thus, players have to cooperate between themselves and must defend their base without heros for some times.



- Time lapse (check nerubian weaver ultimate in dota) or reincarnation (tauren chieftain ultimate) : Warps the boss back in time when he had full hp, resetting the HP and mana.


A really "pain in the ass" ability as players must have enough dps (damage per second) or some nukes to put this boss down. If not, this boss just regain his full hp depending of the ability cooldown u guys will chose (30 sec? 1 minutes? more?). I think this abilty can works nice with another "pain in the ass" ability (create a boss with 2 annoying abilities which works nice together). 

For this abililty, it could be maybe useful to put the cooldown indicator above this boss to inform players about how many times they have to beat him.



- Other aura abilities : Why not put some other auras on boss like attack speed, armor redution, damage aura, etc... 


These auras could be attached on defined boss or on random boss, or maybe can stack on boss after a certain duration of life (see extrem mode below).


Of course, the difficulty must be reflective because no meaning if too easy or lame if too hard lol ... But i think it could be rly a great idea to make this game more exciting.



Another idea : The extreme mode (idea based on differents games from warcraft 3 like element td and others).


The meaning of this mode (which could be added to the player choice at the begining of this game : normal mode or extreme mode)   is to make this game more exciting, particularly for pro players. Maybe new annoying abilities should be in game only in this extreme mod because players will need skills and cooperation to handle these new boss.

Futhermore, abilities can be added to defined boss or on random boss and can be stacked on them if they stay alive enough time  like an evolution (every alive boss gain 1 other ability every 2 minutes for example).


Thus all games should be different like this and players have to adapt themself to beat the game. It means more challenge and more exciting games. Thus, players will need equilibrated way of playing to beat the game as if they put all their eggs in one single basket, they will simply fail.

I think this concept is very important and i have noticed that other warcraft games which used this concept were successful (like legion td, element td, heros teamgames like dota).



I've got other ideas but i need more reflexion before publishing them ^^.




Conclusion : These above ideas are just propositions and they certainly need to be reflective a lot. They are based on my personnal reflexion of this game. The real meaning is to reach a game when perma reflexion and brain is needed to win. I have noticed that many good players find now fs quite boring because it's always the same and when you find a good technique and a good base, you have to do always the same and it's always fine and it's becomes too easy (so boring). Thus, create random things in this game, a higher difficulty level and everybody will be happy :D and will keep playing fortress survival.



Thanks for your attention guys, if u read this last answer you're a champion because i posted a complete novel :D.

  • Nevo, sHs(Fattony), Can't delete profile and 3 others like this

#2 Can't delete profile

Can't delete profile

    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 10 September 2013 - 06:38 AM

Yay i am a champion! anyway i totally agree with erdam. i know people they just Block the walls with weaker mobs.... wich pretty much gives em endless time

#3 Waffle(est)


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 10 September 2013 - 07:24 AM

coming back to that.. maybe like just buff all existing creeps damage by some amount every minute..


say ... 50*(1.5^t)  ? or sth like that anyway..

just make attack gain fast enough that ppl are forced to kill them..

#4 Krehara


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 10 September 2013 - 07:55 AM

What about a passive ability that lets creeps apply a damage over time spell on your walls, and make it so that it can stack endlessly? If you don't handle the creeps as they come at you, your walls would be overwhelmed pretty easily.

  • Waffle(est), erdam and ImChillYeee like this

#5 oufo


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 10 September 2013 - 09:13 AM

likeee likeeee ... Loving the idea of "adding Random Abilities to Random bosses " makes the game unpredictable ..

#6 ImChillYeee



Posted 10 September 2013 - 10:42 AM

That is one of the greatest ideas I have ever read. Im not gonna lie but if that happens I dont think I will solo easy mode :D jk

#7 oufo


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 10 September 2013 - 11:01 AM

From what i understand this will be a new mode difficulty higher than nightmare 

#8 Waffle(est)


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 10 September 2013 - 11:49 AM

What about a passive ability that lets creeps apply a damage over time spell on your walls, and make it so that it can stack endlessly? If you don't handle the creeps as they come at you, your walls would be overwhelmed pretty easily.

you are so mean!


... approved :D

  • erdam likes this

#9 oufo


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 10 September 2013 - 12:34 PM

Lol .. that will be insane .. and make it easier to build Wood and use hero as defense.

#10 Bigheaded


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 10 September 2013 - 01:13 PM

decay aura or rust aura (check heartstopper aura from necrolyte in dota) : all buildings or/and units lose a percentage of their max health over time. Or maybe an aura which doesn't allow ur repair units to work on walls (why not), or both auras at the same time.


Could be done, think it would hurt new players pretty hard as well, especially not having repair.



- Global silence 
(check silencer ultimate in dota) : Stops all enemies on the map (or in an area) from casting spells.


Could be interesting.


Summoning spell (check icewind dale dragon's eye level 4 lol...) : Put an unmoving boss at a random defined place inside the map who is summoning extra creeps. This boss can be defended by his own minions and he summons stronger creeps over time (like endless waves).


The meaning of this ability is to force players heros to go fast outside their base to kill this boss as summoned creeps becoming stronger over time. Thus, players have to cooperate between themselves and must defend their base without heros for some times.


My favorite of the lot, could be quite fun to deal with something like that.



- Time lapse
(check nerubian weaver ultimate in dota) or reincarnation (tauren chieftain ultimate) : Warps the boss back in time when he had full hp, resetting the HP and mana.


Already on a few bosses.


[quote]- Other aura abilities : Why not put some other auras on boss like attack speed, armor redution, damage aura, etc... [/quote] Because auras lag. Strange but true.



Another idea : The extreme mode (idea based on differents games from warcraft 3 like element td and others).


It's called Nightmare. I don't see the point of extreme + nightmare.



In summary quite a lot have some merit

I would like to see the stationary summoning boss appear on imposs and nightmare!

#11 Waffle(est)


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 10 September 2013 - 01:43 PM

[quot][quote]- Other aura abilities : Why not put some other auras on boss like attack speed, armor redution, damage aura, etc... [/quote] Because auras lag. Strange but true.[/quot]

if they do lag.. then i can't see anything strange about it.

they require looping thru all of the units on the map.. 

#12 erdam


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 10 September 2013 - 02:32 PM



(check nerubian weaver ultimate in dota) or reincarnation (tauren chieftain ultimate) : Warps the boss back in time when he had full hp, resetting the HP and mana.


Already on a few bosses.



It's called Nightmare. I don't see the point of extreme + nightmare.


Hi Bighead,


i'm not sure understood well some things i said, so i will try to explain myself with a better english :D, or maybe it is just a mistake from me.


When i spoke about a reincarnation ability, this ability has got a low cooldown on the boss. It means the boss can revive many times, depending if the players are able to do enough dps on him or not. I'm not sure but some boss like Pheng can only revive once right ? So this low cooldown ability is the true annoying ability.


Futhermore, when i spoke about an extreme mode for high leveled players (or reserved for high ranks only ?) or which can be interesting in teamgames, it is to add another system of difficulty inside this game. According to my experience in other games, this multi-difficulty system works very nice always.


Thus, if u follow my suggestions, you could have choices between :

- make harder the nightmare difficulty (higher level difficulty) as for many players, this nightmare mode looks like dysneyland :D (no offens but i think it's true...).

- add another difficulty level (after nightmare) with more annoying things inside. it could be a decent choice.

- add another difficulty system which is more complicated for the fs team but it could have great effects over the long term i think because players will have more choice (generally, the more viable choice you have, the more the game is insteresting --> go play legion td, element td or uther party and you will understand what i'm saying, if i got right).


Thanks for your reply, it's always nice ^^.

  • ImChillYeee likes this

#13 SAO


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 10 September 2013 - 05:03 PM

Tip, if you guys decide to make a new difficulty call it INSANITY! ^^

#14 Waffle(est)


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 10 September 2013 - 05:16 PM

no new difficulty, NM is hardest. ( we might turn it up a notch tho..)

#15 k9mancer


    Private 2

Posted 10 September 2013 - 05:58 PM

how about a mode where everything that cost lumber cost a little more?

#16 oufo


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 10 September 2013 - 06:01 PM

well .. Nightmare could be the hardest by maybe u can add an another intermediate level .. For example current imp takes current Nightmare Stats .. and new Nightmare is 5x harder or so .

#17 TheDwarfLard


    Praise the Sun!


Posted 10 September 2013 - 06:30 PM

You sure about 5x harder, wouldn't that be like 10x normal HP and 4x (at least) Damage?

#18 djlonewulf


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 10 September 2013 - 06:36 PM

lol or just piss people off by upping evasion again

#19 Waffle(est)


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 10 September 2013 - 07:05 PM

i don't like upping evasion..

needs new ability or ability modification for each different evasion..

+ can be curcumvented by some skills(critical apparently) no point for difficulty that can be so easily evaded..

much easier to just give stuff +200 armor and 99.99 magic resistance..

#20 Bigheaded


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 11 September 2013 - 12:16 PM

Hi Bighead,


i'm not sure understood well some things i said, so i will try to explain myself with a better english :D, or maybe it is just a mistake from me.


When i spoke about a reincarnation ability, this ability has got a low cooldown on the boss. It means the boss can revive many times, depending if the players are able to do enough dps on him or not. I'm not sure but some boss like Pheng can only revive once right ? So this low cooldown ability is the true annoying ability.


Futhermore, when i spoke about an extreme mode for high leveled players (or reserved for high ranks only ?) or which can be interesting in teamgames, it is to add another system of difficulty inside this game. According to my experience in other games, this multi-difficulty system works very nice always.


Thus, if u follow my suggestions, you could have choices between :

- make harder the nightmare difficulty (higher level difficulty) as for many players, this nightmare mode looks like dysneyland :D (no offens but i think it's true...).

- add another difficulty level (after nightmare) with more annoying things inside. it could be a decent choice.

- add another difficulty system which is more complicated for the fs team but it could have great effects over the long term i think because players will have more choice (generally, the more viable choice you have, the more the game is insteresting --> go play legion td, element td or uther party and you will understand what i'm saying, if i got right).


Thanks for your reply, it's always nice ^^.

Hey Erdam,


Just to confirm i've seen pheng revive 3 times in the same game. Has a cooldown of roughly 5 minutes if not exactly (300 secs sounds likely). Changing the cooldown to something less could be interesting.


I don't see how fortress survival isn't a "multi difficulty system". Unless you are talking about each player being able to choose their own difficulty.


If you mean more "options" like "no range" or "more bosses", then it makes the choice screen a bit to clustered imo.

We have enough options as it is (air/noair, invis/noinvis, difficulties) then having to put load code in.



We have enough difficulty settings as it is, it may be worthwhile toning them again, although this would mean those whom have beaten eternia on older versions would have an advantage over those in the new versions if nightmare is made harder.

Waffle whom is an actual editor (i am not) is saying no new difficulty.



If you want more choices, tell us what modes you would like to see!

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