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Alchemist Unit

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#1 TeachYouToFly


    Dedicated Survivor

Posted 04 September 2013 - 09:59 PM

Since I always base in tiny bases, (A-11, Tree Base, Top right, Ect..) I'm forced to use the hero alchemist simply because the unit wastes mana attacking units on the outsides of my bases' cliff. I know you can get mana potions, but at the start 30 lumber is a little precious, and also a waste considering i can do it for free. I'm also aware that the unit isn't supposed to be as powerful as the hero, but I think the passive mana costing spell should be removed, OR, my suggestion is to have a button that "swaps" between attacking and no attack, giving the unit no attack and only able to transmute and place mills without having my shift interrupted due to monsters outside.  :D

  • MaxRulez03 and oufo like this

#2 MaxRulez03



Posted 05 September 2013 - 10:53 AM

It's also annoying to setup 8 lumber factorys with shift if the alchemist has an enemy in range. It will stop building the mills and attack the enemy.

#3 oufo


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 05 September 2013 - 10:58 AM

I Agree to that !! Damn .. Alch always keeps attacking. . Alch should have no attack ability if u ask me.

  • ImChillYeee likes this

#4 Bigheaded


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 05 September 2013 - 11:45 AM

OR, my suggestion is to have a button that "swaps" between attacking and no attack, giving the unit no attack and only able to transmute and place mills without having my shift interrupted due to monsters outside.


I like this. Unless Waffle/Nevo intend for alchemist units to be annoying to use.

#5 Waffle(est)


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 05 September 2013 - 01:50 PM

with so many ppl asking we might actually do it..


but since we gonna release 6.42 in a few hours (FINALLY) it will prob have to wait for 6.43 (so maybe 2 months.. sux, i know..)

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