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8 replies to this topic

#1 killquew


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 21 May 2013 - 06:23 PM

just a little idea cause ive been playing on us east and most of the time we have to wait about 30 min to start a game so is it possible to add a vote start commande for the bot

#2 MichaelwP


    Retired Survivor


Posted 22 May 2013 - 03:17 AM

Maybe try using www.makemehost.com  :blink:

#3 Jem


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 22 May 2013 - 09:37 PM

It's up to the owner of the bot.

#4 killquew


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 22 May 2013 - 11:25 PM

i know about makemehost it just saying on the bot that the chan tell us it what happen and for makemehost they have some sync probleme so not really fun

#5 Jem


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 22 May 2013 - 11:37 PM

Mmmm, try Garena instead. :)

#6 killquew


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 22 May 2013 - 11:41 PM

yeah ive got it too but dont know where to go for the game and if im right most of them are not at the last vers for wc3

#7 Phoenix


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 23 May 2013 - 02:28 AM

Hi, I run the clan hosting bot.  I will look into adding a vote start feature for less than 5 players.  The length of time that it takes to get a game started seems to depend on the time of day that you are trying to start one more than any other factor.  At some points in the day there are 5-6 games all running at the same time on the bot and at others you do wait a significant time to get 5 players to start a game. 


In any case, our clan bot runs the latest map version and is on a reliable commercial server so there is very little lag.  Enjoy the games and thanks for you suggestion.  I will let you know when the feature is in place.

#8 Jem


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 23 May 2013 - 03:07 AM

Hi, I run the clan hosting bot.  I will look into adding a vote start feature for less than 5 players.  The length of time that it takes to get a game started seems to depend on the time of day that you are trying to start one more than any other factor.  At some points in the day there are 5-6 games all running at the same time on the bot and at others you do wait a significant time to get 5 players to start a game. 


In any case, our clan bot runs the latest map version and is on a reliable commercial server so there is very little lag.  Enjoy the games and thanks for you suggestion.  I will let you know when the feature is in place.

Nicely done, Phoenix! ^_^

#9 AcediaPH


    Forum Spammer


Posted 24 May 2013 - 09:37 AM

I agree with rarigate ^_^. Why not try garena? Its a fun and weird place to play fsa for fun ^_^

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