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How To: Create a Custom Survivor (For Donators)

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#1 MichaelwP


    Retired Survivor


Posted 11 May 2013 - 09:14 PM



This guide will help explain how to use the Warcraft III World Editor to create your own custom survivor for donators, which includes changing the model, colors, sound set, and size. Please read each step carefully to avoid confusion, and click on the images to make them larger. If you find any mistakes or have any questions please post them in this topic.


Click HERE to go to the FAQ!




Open the Warcraft III World Editor
Attached File  ss12.png   2.72KB   15 downloads



Open the "Object Editor" window on the main editor screen

Attached File  SS1.png   94.15KB   26 downloads



Click on the "Units" tab

Attached File  SS2.png   33.21KB   26 downloads



Click on File

Click on "New Custom Unit"

Attached File  SS3.png   37.66KB   37 downloads



Enter ANY name for your new custom unit

Select ANY unit you wish to use

Click OK

Attached File  SS4.png   108.34KB   39 downloads



You should now be back in the Object Editor

Scroll down to "Art - Model File"

Right click and click on "Modify Selected Field" (or double click)

Attached File  SS5.png   10.88KB   36 downloads



Choose ANY model from ANY of the "Preset" models

Click OK

Attached File  SS6.png   43.93KB   23 downloads



Open the "Units" Window on the main editor screen

Attached File  SS7.png   136.16KB   17 downloads


Click on "Custom"

Attached File  SS10.png   20.36KB   17 downloads


Left click on the map to paste your new unit and see what it looks like

Attached File  SS8.png   255.21KB   21 downloads



Go back to your unit in the "Object Editor"

Scroll down to "Art - Tinting Color 1"

Right click and click on "Modify Selected Field" (or double click)

Feel free to edit all three of the tinting colors to change your unit color (viewable on the map)

Attached File  SS9.png   10.25KB   17 downloads


Scroll down to "Art - Scaling Value"

Right click and click on "Modify Selected Field" (or double click)

Feel free to edit the scaling size of your unit

Attached File  ss11.png   4.22KB   8 downloads


Scroll down to "Sound - Unit Sound Set"

Right click and click on "Modify Selected Field" (or double click)

Feel free to edit the sound set of your unit

Attached File  ss13.png   6.97KB   6 downloads


STEP 10:

After deciding which color and model you would like, fill out the form provided here in a private message to Nevo


Battle.net Account:

Model/Skin File:
Model Soundset:
Model Coloring R/G/B:
Model Size:
Thank you for taking the time to read this guide. We hope that it made sense and you now have the basic skills to create and customize custom unit. Enjoy your custom survivors!

  • TeachYouToFly likes this

#2 Zer0o


Posted 12 May 2013 - 11:43 AM

If you decided which colour/model, etc you like, fill out this form and send it to one of the dev's and we'll make sure to implement your model asap :)


Battle.net account:

Model/Skin File:
Model Soundset:
Model Coloring R/G/B:
Model Size: 

#3 That_Girl


Posted 12 May 2013 - 05:47 PM

Zeroo is the best just sayin.. And very nice guide michael!

#4 AcediaPH


    Forum Spammer


Posted 23 May 2013 - 08:45 PM

Great guide :D.

#5 WselfWulf


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 18 January 2014 - 01:41 PM

I have a few questions concerning custom models for your builder:

-Can you apply own or browsed models outside of warcraft that have a decent amount of polygons? (Decent as in reasonable)*
-Can't they imply a Hex or Dec or % RRRGGGBBB trigger for donators only to chose their own colour values at all times?

-Can effects be inquired too since Braineater had a durration for his gassy trail linked to his model?

-The model size is a bit vague, couldn't you just addapt all model sizes to peasant / villager size?

*They mostly aren't larger than any other standard/preset warcraft model and above that you don't have to keep all standard models in your map either, you can clear some for more space.

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