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Game saving.

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#1 Taskalius



Posted 28 April 2013 - 04:25 AM

Hello. I've recently started to playing FSA again and noticed you can save your progress to achieve ranks. The in-game info isn't helping me to figure out how to make the auto loading system working. Anyone care to help , please?


Note : I can see in the W3 folder there is FortressCodes folder , not sure what to do afterwards.

#2 Can't delete profile

Can't delete profile

    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 28 April 2013 - 07:04 AM

ehm i hope its not a joke.. well <.<

U go into the fortresscodes folder. there is a textdocument everytime u type -save in game, get it?

#3 Waffle(est)


    Dedicated Survivor


Posted 28 April 2013 - 08:06 AM

There was an autosave/load feature present some time near 6.00b beta versions.

It basically made the start of the game delay on the order of 1 minute (the more players->longer) because of tight synchronization(loss of synchronous state ->drop player for desync) so the feature has been deactivated in favor of the lesser evil of having to paste the code in to the chat box.


I hope a way will be found to implement it in a reasonable way in the future.. but the JASS experts are all really busy with game-features and bug-fixes and usually a ton of other stuff..

#4 Taskalius



Posted 28 April 2013 - 08:31 AM

ehm i hope its not a joke.. well <.<

U go into the fortresscodes folder. there is a textdocument everytime u type -save in game, get it?

Don't get me wrong , I only noticed the autoloading thingy , not the usual.

#5 AcediaPH


    Forum Spammer


Posted 23 May 2013 - 08:38 PM

The fortress codes in your wc3 folder signifies that you saved your rank. Your save code shows up in there so you wouldn't lose it or anything. Except in reformats :DD

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