this got me thinking.. so here are some of my thoughts..
I would see a lot of use for this when people are AFK.
It can be lethal if your waller has to go for 10min.
so.. maybe an -afk command.
base owner gets complete control of your units..
if lumber guy is afk, this would be useful:
-rl <color><amount>
-rg <color><amount>
-akf <color> if base owner needs to go.. (or -ac..)
-pool <color> <lumber/gold>
-pool <color> <lumber/gold> <reserve>
where <reserve> would be min amount that pooling player wont give away.
I know adding another periodic timer sounds bad, but once per 20 sec isn't that bad considering the abomonation that is lumber.
Lumber is fully automatic. No periodic timers, no nothing.
But someone brought up a flaw in the method of autoheal casting.
But we don't want to change lumber to be trigger heavy again so tree of vigor will just not affect lumber mills.