- what does w3m stand for?
- which year was warcraft 3 released?
- what is JNGP and how is it connected to fortress survival
- what does vJass stand for?
- what does ZINC stand for?
- are you in the fortress survival community chat?
- where does the FS dev team keep its working files?
- what does EST stand for?
- how many cores does nevo's awesome server have?
- what is the most game-breaking bug that got fixed between 6.42 and 6.43
- there are other domains for fortress survival that Nevo owns, what are they?
- who is Nestharus and how is he connected to the fortress survival map
- who is the original creator of the fortress survival map?
- what is a memory leak? how can memory leaks happen in warcraft maps?
- what is the official forum for the ghost bot
- what does hcl mean and how is it used
- there is a windows registry value for warcraft3 called "Allow Local Files" what does this effect?
- what software does this forum run on?
- what do we use JassHelper for?
- what is the return bug?
- who is the first person , to reply to this thread, who is not on the dev team?
also please reply with any suggestions to improve this thread, any questions to add?